Search results
- df qiānxiàn mù'ǒu [牵线木偶]; tíxiàn mù'ǒu [提线木偶]; mù'ǒu [木偶] rem@rscook_2018-04-26T10:04:25PDT add syns. (CE) ...237 bytes (43 words) - 03:46, 11 May 2018
- 慔(=) (!𢟽慕) [mù] (书) try hard, do one's best@@; (HDZ:) 勉力, 尽力 The Shuōwén Seal form of 慔() mù ‘try hard’ combines 忄(心 xīn) ‘heart/feeling’ ...469 bytes (49 words) - 23:05, 14 February 2018
- 炑 [mù] 火炽 From 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’ and 木 mù (phonetic). #c火木 #rD.3.2191.7 KX..667.16 ...113 bytes (12 words) - 01:28, 5 May 2017
- 縸(S𫄲) (=幕幙) (?㡍) [mù] 劣絮 [mò] 絡縸/幕/漠: 张罗貌 (张罗覆盖貌) From 糸 ‘thread’, and 莫 mò/mù (phonetic). #rD.5.3434.7 KX..936.14 ...192 bytes (14 words) - 04:42, 23 November 2017
- py mù'ǒupiànr char 木偶片儿[---兒] ser 1019565157 gr * see mù'ǒupiàn(r) [1008833077] rem@TB2010年02月27日 Generated this entry based on parenthesis ...206 bytes (29 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 募 [mù] raise/collect/solicit (money/donations), conscript/recruit@@; (HDZ:) 广泛征求, 征召 (募捐, 应募); 膜 (mó): (中医); (姓) [mó] cf. 膜 [bó] (河名) ...411 bytes (45 words) - 02:31, 6 July 2018
- 㣎(=𢒮𤽖) (!𦤒翏) [mù] (SW:) 細文: (DYC:) 文之細者…引伸爲凡精美之偁: 精细的花纹 The Shuōwén Seal form of 㣎() mù ‘fine (intricate/admirable ...678 bytes (61 words) - 00:58, 20 December 2018
- 墓 [mù] graveyard/cemetery; grave/mound/tomb (坟墓 fénmù)@@; (HDZ:) 茔域, 陵园; 坟墓 … The Shuōwén Seal form of 墓() mù ‘grave/mound’ combines 土 ...975 bytes (95 words) - 02:32, 6 July 2018
- 坶 [mǔ] (loan/Eng.) 垆坶 lúmǔ loam@@; (HDZ:) … [mù] (古地名) (cf. 㙁/牧) [méi] (=塺) 尘土, 尘埃 The Shuōwén Seal form of 坶() mù ‘(anc. place name ...426 bytes (44 words) - 03:58, 9 June 2019
- 暮 [mù] 暮色 mùsè twilight, dusk@@; (HDZ:) 日落时, 傍晚, 夜 (cf. 幕) The character 暮 mù ‘twilight’ combines 日 (rì) ‘sun’, and 莫(𦶛) mù (phonosemantic ...719 bytes (89 words) - 01:56, 9 August 2019
- 霂 [mù] (书) 霢霂 fine/light rain, drizzle, heavy mist@@; (HDZ:) (SW: 霢霂) “霢霂”, 小雨 The Shuōwén Seal form of 霂() mù ‘fine/light rain, drizzle’ ...620 bytes (65 words) - 02:12, 9 August 2019
- 穆 [mù] 静穆 solemn/quiet; (surname); (古) 昭穆; 穆罕默德 Mohammed@@; (HDZ:) … The Shuōwén Seal form of 穆() mù ‘a kind of grain/cereal’ combines 禾 ...1 KB (105 words) - 01:32, 20 December 2018
- Compare: 慕() mù ‘imitate; envy/admire’, 慔() mù ‘try hard’. #rD.4.2328.1 KX..395.11 #c忄禺 #y jyuh\ ...402 bytes (35 words) - 22:44, 14 February 2018
- 沐 [mù] 沐发 wash/shampoo the hair; 沐浴 bathe@@; (HDZ:) …; (水名); (姓) The Shuōwén Seal form of 沐() mù ‘wash the hair’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ ...970 bytes (89 words) - 01:58, 9 August 2019
- 慕 [mù] envy/admire (羡慕 xiànmù); adore/admiration (爱慕); admire/cherish (思慕)@@; (HDZ:) 模拟, 仿效; 羡慕, 贪慕; 思慕; … The Shuōwén Seal form of 慕 ...1 KB (76 words) - 01:53, 9 August 2019
- 苜 [mù] 苜蓿 alfalfa (Medicago); 黄花苜蓿 burclover@@; (HDZ:) 苜蓿=目/牧宿 [mò] cf. 𦭝/𦤄/𥄕 From 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass/plant’, and 目 mù (phonetic). ...360 bytes (32 words) - 04:44, 9 June 2019
- 幕 [mù] curtain; act (of play); screen (屏幕); canopy/tent (帐幕)@@; (HDZ:) 遮在上面的帷幔; 张幕, 篷帐; … [màn] 钱币的背面; 幔; 縵 [mò] 漠, 沙漠 ...988 bytes (67 words) - 04:06, 9 June 2019
- 睦 [mù] 和睦 friendly/kind (eyes/look); tender/harmonious/respectful (relations)@@; (cf. 穆) The Shuōwén Seal form of 睦() mù ‘friendly/kind eyes/look’ combines ...1 KB (107 words) - 07:52, 10 September 2019
- 朩 [pìn] cf. 汖/𣎳 (=𣎵汖𣎳𣎵) [mù] cf. 木; (component: 条杂亲茶…) Note: In 朩 the vertical stroke 亅 has a hook at the bottom; the last stroke ...345 bytes (44 words) - 01:22, 20 December 2018
- 凩 [mù] ? (Morohashi) (國字) #rD.1.277.1* #c几木风 ...70 bytes (6 words) - 01:48, 9 August 2019