Search results
- py Lǐ Bái char 李白 ser 1007706422 gr * see Lǐ Bó [1007711175] ...87 bytes (12 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 鳢(F鱧) [lǐ] (鱼名) snakehead (Channidae); snakehead murrel (Channa striata) The Shuōwén Seal form of 鳢/鱧() lǐ ‘snakehead’ (Channidae) combines 鱼/魚 (yú ...284 bytes (31 words) - 02:43, 6 July 2018
- 澧 [lǐ] sweet/fresh spring/fountain (cf. 醴); (river name); (county name)@@; (HDZ:) (水名) 澧水, 澧河; (古州名); 醴: 甜美; (姓) The Shuōwén Seal form of 澧 ...472 bytes (49 words) - 21:53, 24 March 2018
- 醴 [lǐ] (书) sweet liquor/wine; sweet/fresh springwater@@; (HDZ:) 甜酒 (cf. 酏); 甜美的泉水 (cf. 澧); 禮; (水名) 澧 The Shuōwén Seal form of 醴() lǐ ‘sweet ...575 bytes (62 words) - 21:58, 24 March 2018
- py Èrwàn Wǔqiān Lǐ Chángzhēng char 二万五千里长征[-萬---長-] ser 1003211442 gr * ref vwu117 ps n. df The Long March of 25,000 lǐ ...175 bytes (30 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py shuǐ lǐ lái, huǒ lǐ qù char 水里来,火里去[-裡來,-裡-] ser 1012139128 gr * ref vuw2385a1 ps f.e. df Easy come, easy go. ...159 bytes (27 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 兣 [gōng] + [lǐ] (=兝) (abbrev. for 公厘 gōnglí/lǐ = 厘克 líkè ‘decigram; centigram’) Note: For examples of abbrev./contracted characters, cf. 瓩. ...200 bytes (24 words) - 15:43, 27 June 2019
- 浬 [lǐ] (same as 里 as in 海里 hǎilǐ ‘nautical mile’) From 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ and 里 lǐ ‘mile’. #c氵里 #y leih/ #rD.3.1623.1 M.3862 KX..624.21 ...181 bytes (23 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- 裡(S里) [lǐ] inside/interior (裡面), in; 那裡 there; 哪裡 where?@@; (HDZ:) cf. 裏 #ix2:里fan The full-form character 裡 lǐ ‘inside’ combines 衤(衣 yī) ‘clothing’ ...362 bytes (42 words) - 04:49, 9 June 2019
- 鲤(F鯉) [lǐ] 鲤鱼 carp (Cyprinus carpio), 锦鲤 brocaded carp, koi (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) The Shuōwén Seal form of 鲤/鯉() lǐ ‘sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis ...502 bytes (54 words) - 03:38, 27 July 2018
- 哩 [lī] [li] (象声) 哩哩啦啦; 哔哩啪啦 [lǐ] 英里/哩@@ [lì] (衬字); (语气词) [mái] (古地名) 哩伽塔 From 口 (kǒu) ‘mouth’ and 里 lǐ (phonetic). ...261 bytes (24 words) - 20:33, 7 June 2017
- 娌 [lǐ] 妯娌 spouses/wives of brothers, sisters-in-law@@; (HDZ:) (耦, 疋/匹) 双, 二; 妯娌: cf. 妯 From 女 (nǚ) ‘woman’, and 里 lǐ (phonetic). #rG.252.25 D ...243 bytes (24 words) - 02:49, 21 September 2018
- 俚 [lǐ] unpolished, rustic, vulgar; resources; to support; aboriginal tribes@@; (HDZ:) 聊赖, 依托; 鄙俗 (cf. 𨛋); 民间通俗的歌谣; (族名); 埋; (方言) (代词 ...565 bytes (50 words) - 03:29, 27 July 2018
- py Lǐ Bó char 李白 ser 1007711175 gr E da 699-762 A.D. ref 35H ps n. df [en] most widely celebrated poet of China df [fr] Li Bai (poète le plus célèbre ...245 bytes (46 words) - 14:42, 8 December 2016
- 039; for self-containment with 1 class-a polysyllabic entry: Lǐ Bó 李白. ... in Lǐ Bó [1007711175] rem@TB2009年05月10日 Added Lǐ Bó, the only class a example. ...537 bytes (70 words) - 16:48, 3 April 2016
- see Lǐ Bó [1007711175] rem see Lǐ Bó [1007711175] ...266 bytes (44 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1tr Zhè tiáo hé lǐ yú hěn duō. 1hz 这条河里鱼很多。 2ex This lake ... 2tr Zhège hú lǐ yọ̌u hěn duō yú. 2hz 这个湖里有很多鱼。 ...329 bytes (54 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 裏(=裡S里) [lǐ] inside (of a garment/etc.)@@; (HDZ:) 衣服内层; … The Shuōwén Seal form of 裏() lǐ ‘inside (of a garment)’ splits 衣() yī ‘clothing/garment’ ...1 KB (120 words) - 05:58, 19 February 2019
- 禮(S礼) [lǐ] rite/ceremony (婚禮 ‘wedding’, 喪禮 ‘funeral’); 禮貌 etiquette/politeness; 禮遇 courteous treatment; 禮物 gift (送禮 ‘give a gift/present’ ...727 bytes (33 words) - 01:31, 20 December 2018
- 𨴻 [lǐ] (音 “理”) #rD.7.4300.1 #c門里 ...61 bytes (5 words) - 15:53, 27 June 2019