Search results
- 踺 [jiàn] walk; tread on From ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’ and 建 jiàn. #rD.6.3720.3 KX..1229.34 B.357.1.04 #c⻊足建 ...130 bytes (17 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- py yī jiàn yī jiàn char 一件一件 ser 1015758489 gr * ref vkura648b5 see yījiànjiàn [1015757422] ...127 bytes (20 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 枧(F梘) [jiǎn] soap@@ [xiàn] [jiàn] cf. 梘 From 木 (mù) ‘tree’, and 见/見 jiàn (phonetic). #rD.2.1170.6 B.073.0.07 #c木见 #y gaan/ ...160 bytes (23 words) - 23:09, 14 February 2018
- py táitóu bù jiàn dītóu jiàn char 抬头不见低头见[-頭-見-頭見] ser 1012654877 gr * ref 43686a ps v.p. df meet frequently ...160 bytes (28 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df yị̄ jiàn zhīxià [一见之下]; chūcì jiàn [初次见] subof sight [2001382682] ...142 bytes (19 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- df jiàn fǎnmiàn [见反面]; jiàn xiàyè [见下页] ...164 bytes (29 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 舰(F艦) [jiàn] (军舰) warship, battleship; 航空母舰 aircraft carrier The simple-form character 舰 (10 strokes) is used as an abbrev. of the full-form character ...777 bytes (87 words) - 00:36, 21 June 2019
- 楗 [jiàn] (书) door bolt (门闩)@@; (HDZ:) 关门的木闩; 柱桩; 遏制, 堵塞; (骨骼名); 刚木; cf. 揵 [jiǎn] 蹇: 马跛行貌 The Shuōwén Seal form ...393 bytes (42 words) - 05:44, 19 February 2019
- 箭 [jiàn] arrow (射箭 ‘archery’, 箭头 ‘arrowhead’, 箭靶 ‘target’); 火箭 rocket@@; (HDZ:) … The Shuōwén Seal form of 箭(𥳭) jiàn ‘(bamboo ...700 bytes (65 words) - 00:00, 4 September 2018
- 僩 [xiàn] magnanimous; open-minded@@; (HDZ:) 胸襟开阔貌; 瞷 (jiàn): 窥伺 [jiàn] 瞷 From 亻 and 閒. #rD.1.222.8 M.2673 G.286.50,287.32 KX..117.19 E.1 ...196 bytes (21 words) - 23:58, 10 February 2017
- df yị̄ jiàn jiàn de [一件件的/地]; língsuì de [零碎的/地] rem@TB2007年05月31日 Fixed tone on yī. ...219 bytes (34 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 腱 [jiàn] 肌腱 jījiàn tendon@@; (HDZ:) …肌腱 (cf. 筋) [qián] 𥴤, 筋鸣 The Shuōwén Seal form of 腱() jiàn ‘tendon’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’ ...388 bytes (54 words) - 14:13, 30 May 2017
- 諓(S𬣡)(=) [jiàn] “諓諓”, 巧辯之言; 讒言; 淺薄 (cf. 淺); 謔@@ [jiān] ? The Shuōwén Seal form of 𬣡/諓() jiàn ‘clever/shallow speech’ ...472 bytes (52 words) - 04:50, 9 June 2019
- 键(F鍵) [jiàn] key; 钥匙 key (of a lock); 键盘 keyboard (piano/typing)@@; 扃键 lock/bolt; 车键 linchpin/lynchpin; 化学键 chemical bond; cf. 鍵 ...1 KB (149 words) - 20:09, 11 December 2022
- 践(F踐) [jiàn] 践踏 trample, tread on; 实践 put into practice The character 践/踐() jiàn ‘trample, tread on’ combines ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’, and 戋/戔 ...258 bytes (30 words) - 23:29, 14 February 2018
- 劍(S剑) [jiàn] sword (寶劍 ‘double-edged sword’); 佩劍 saber; 短劍 dagger; 擊劍 fencing@@; (HDZ:) … HDZ: 劍 : jiàn : (古) (兵器名) 两面有刃, ...343 bytes (26 words) - 23:44, 3 September 2018
- 溅(F濺) [jiàn] splash/splatter@@ [jiān] [zàn] cf. 濺 The character 溅/濺 jiàn ‘splash/splatter (soil/debase)’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 贱/賤 ...525 bytes (58 words) - 20:49, 16 December 2019
- 鞬 [jiān] 弓鞬 equestrian archery bow/arrow case/holster/quiver@@; (HDZ:) 马上盛弓矢的器具 (cf. 䩽); (古) 博戏用语; 藏闭 [jiàn] 束, 缠束 ...556 bytes (64 words) - 00:38, 21 June 2019
- 槛(F檻) [kǎn] 门槛/坎 threshold; 窗槛 window-sill [jiàn] railing/banister; pen/cage@@ [xiàn] (HDC:?) cf. 檻/壏 The Shuōwén Seal form of 槛/檻() jiàn ...569 bytes (70 words) - 00:34, 21 June 2019
- 賤(S贱) [jiàn] inexpensive/cheap/worthless (賤貨 ‘cheap goods’), 卑賤 lowly/humble; 鄙賤 despise; 作賤 cheapen/debase@@; (HDZ:) … HDZ: 賤 : jiàn : (SW: ...353 bytes (33 words) - 02:09, 9 August 2019