Search results
- df sìhū [似乎]; hǎoxiàng [好像] ex@yy You look as if you haven't slept ... tr@yy Nǐ kàn shàngqu hǎoxiàng jǐ tiān méi shuìjiào le. hz@yy 你看上去好像 ...276 bytes (47 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- df hǎoxiàng [好象]; fǎngfú [仿佛] ex It looks as though it may rain. tr Kànyàngzi yào xiàyǔ. hz 看样子要下雨。 subof though [2001549293] ...208 bytes (31 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- ex@hy Tā hǎoxiàng yǒudiǎn(r) ∼. hz 他好像有点(儿)∼。 tr He seemed to be losing consciousness. ...236 bytes (37 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- tr Hǎoxiàng shénme yě xiàbudǎo tā. hz 好像什么也吓不倒他。 sub -ing [2000329059] ...263 bytes (42 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 2tr@yy Hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le. 2hz@yy 好像要下雨了。 subof ¹look [2000828181] ...252 bytes (41 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- df hǎoxiàng [好像]; fǎngfú [仿佛]; sìhū shì [似乎是] ex He ∼s to be alright. tr Tā kàn shàngqu hái bụ̀cuò. hz 他看上去还不错。 ...298 bytes (47 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- tr Nàge guójiā hǎoxiàng zǒngshì chǔyú yī̠ zhǒng zìxiāng cánshā de zhànzhēng zhuàngtài. hz 那个国家好象总是处于一种自相残杀的战争状态。 ...432 bytes (71 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 112tr Tā kāiqǐ chē lái hǎoxiàng fēngle shìde. 112hz 他开起车来好像疯了 ... 22df hǎoxiàng [好像] rem@yy2008.6.13. Changed 1like to 2like and shift the ...1 KB (172 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- ex@yy Wọ̌ hǎoxiàng rènshi nà wèi ∼ xiạ̌ojiě hz 我好像认识那位∼小姐 tr [en] I seem to know that PR lady. tr [fr] Je crois que je connais cette ...370 bytes (60 words) - 23:37, 4 October 2016
- ex@cl Tā de huà hǎoxiàng yǒu ∼. hz 他的话好像有∼。 tr [en] His words seem to have a magic power. tr [fr] Ses mots sont comme remplis de magie. ...360 bytes (59 words) - 15:23, 16 December 2016
- ex@yy ∼ jiā jiù hǎoxiàng ∼le tóngnián. hz ∼家就好像∼了童年。 tr [en] Returning home is like going back to childhood. tr [fr] Rentrer chez soi c ...519 bytes (84 words) - 16:41, 6 November 2016
- 12ex Yàoshi nǐ nàme bàn hǎoxiàng yǒu yī̠diǎnr ∼. 12hz 要是你那么办好像有一点儿∼。 12tr [en] If you do it that way it seems a little--what shall I say? ...634 bytes (100 words) - 18:23, 17 December 2016
- py hǎoxiàng char 好像/象 gr A ser 1004906808 ref 16457 1ps adv. 1df [en] seem; be like 1df [fr] comme ; semblablement 1ex@yy Shuị̌ ∼ kāi le. ...648 bytes (109 words) - 21:51, 26 October 2016