Search results
- 蒿 [hāo] 蒿子 wormwood (Artemisia), 䕲蒿, 莪蒿 artemisia; 茼蒿 crowndaisy chrysanthemum@@; (HDZ:) 菊科蒿属植物; 远望; 耗 … [gǎo] 藳 [gāo] (HDC:?) 束蒿 ...751 bytes (65 words) - 00:34, 20 June 2018
- 𢻇 [hāo] (呼高切) #rD.2.1329.9 #c名支 ...58 bytes (6 words) - 01:58, 20 December 2018
- 𡽝 [hāo] (山名) #rD.1.802.6 KX..321.14 #c山蒿 ...65 bytes (7 words) - 01:55, 20 December 2018
- 𣭖 [hāo] (音 “蒿”) (义阙) #rD.3.1996.5 #c号毛 ...71 bytes (6 words) - 02:00, 20 December 2018
- 𤢨 [hāo] (猪名) #rD.2.1374.1 KX..720.13 #c犭蒿 ...66 bytes (7 words) - 02:03, 20 December 2018
- 𩮘 [hāo] 髮貌 #rD.7.4533.1 KX..1455.45 #c髟高 ...65 bytes (7 words) - 02:21, 20 December 2018
- 𣭹 [hāo] 搅, 揉 #rD.3.1998.16 KX..593.28 #c夭干毛 ...67 bytes (7 words) - 02:00, 20 December 2018
- 鐞(=耨鎒) (!䥎) [nòu] [hāo] cf. 鎒 #rD.6.4259.9 #c金尋 ...80 bytes (9 words) - 18:39, 4 August 2016
- 𤡇(?貉) [hāo] (兽名) 貉类, 色白而尾小, 似狗 #rD.2.1366.2 KX..718.04 #c犭毫 ...108 bytes (7 words) - 02:02, 20 December 2018
- 𧯌(=䜰𧯔) [hāo] 𧯌䜮: 深谷貌; 深貌; (深谷名) #rD.6.3907.4 KX..1190.29 #c谷臯自白 ...114 bytes (7 words) - 19:16, 29 July 2016
- 𬭦(F鎒) [nòu] [hāo] cf. 鎒 {CJK Extension E, Unicode 8.0} #c钅辱 ...83 bytes (13 words) - 21:54, 8 April 2016
- 薅 [hāo] to weed, pull weeds (clear a plot of land); pull/pluck off/out; eradicate@@; (HDZ:) (SW: 拔田艸; XK/DYC 披田艸) 拔去杂草; 拔掉 The character 薅 hāo ...1,014 bytes (133 words) - 20:50, 16 December 2019
- df hāo [蒿]; hāozi [蒿子]; àihāo [艾蒿]; éhāo [莪蒿] rem@TB2010年03月27日 ...197 bytes (28 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 嚆(=詨) [hāo] sound, noise; 嚆矢 whirring dart@@; (HDZ:) 詨: 呼叫 #rD.1.688.10 M.2082 KX..211.36 B.387.0.04 #c口蒿艹高 #y hou\ ...151 bytes (16 words) - 01:13, 20 December 2018
- 薧(=𧂎𣩾𣨻) [hāo] 薧里/埋, 墓地 [kǎo] 干的食品; 干枯 (cf. 𣨻)@@ [kào] ? #rK.GSR1129a' D.5.3305.6 M.3307 G.156.03,303.52 KX..1062.06 E.1 ...202 bytes (20 words) - 23:25, 14 February 2018
- 鎒(S𬭦)(=槈耨䅶𦔘鐞)(!䥎𬫷) [nòu] 槈/耨 [hāo] 薅: 除草 (Unihan:) “to hoe; to weed” #rD.6.4239.10 M.4752 G.438.50 KX..1316.23 #c金辱 ...188 bytes (19 words) - 00:19, 16 November 2016
- df hāo [蒿]; hāozi [蒿子]; yáng'ài [洋艾]; àiróng [艾绒] rem@TB2010年03月27日 ...196 bytes (30 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 茠(=薅𦼸𢴅𦵢) [hāo] 𦵢/薅: 拔除(草) [xiū] 休, 休息 [kòu] 豆蔻/茠@@ [hòu] ? #rD.5.3205.7 M.2085 G.156.05 KX..1027.39 E.1 #c艹休 ...180 bytes (15 words) - 02:55, 21 September 2018
- rem@TB2007年06月03日 Changed hāo to gāo. rem@yy20060414 New entry per JDF cross-checking and TB's list. ...285 bytes (48 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- Compare: 薅() hāo ‘pull weeds (clear a plot of land)’, in which 媷 is not a trad. comp. #c女辱辰寸 #y yuhk- #rD.2.1071.11 G.462.21 KX..268.10 ...411 bytes (45 words) - 23:47, 3 September 2018