Search results
- .hw go-slow ser 2000593077 ref langkG37 ps n.u. 1df dàigōng [怠工] 2df mànmàn jìnxíng [慢慢进行] subof ²go [2000584229] ...155 bytes (23 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- py mànzhe* char 慢着[-著] ser 1008325670 gr E rem@yy0202 Added class a ref vfe456c10 ps f.e. df [en] Go slow! Wait a minute! ...203 bytes (35 words) - 19:03, 12 December 2016
- hw ci4 char 遲 ps S.V. 1df to be slow, backward 1ex nei5 gam3 ci4 zou6 je5, bin1 go3 wui5 ceng2 nei5 daa2 gung1 1hz 你咁遲做嘢 ...643 bytes (99 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- py sìchū char 四出 ser 1012338851 gr * ref 42940a 1ps adv. 1df everywhere; all around 2ps@wei v. 2df@wei go hither and thither; ...192 bytes (32 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py dēnglóu char 登楼[-樓] ser 1002534673 gr * ref vfe917c7 ps v.o. rem df go toward the upper floor; go upstairs ...221 bytes (39 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py zhuǎnqù char 转去[轉-] ser 1017900249 gr * ref vfe1343d8 ps r.v. df turn and go; go back ...119 bytes (21 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py zǒuxiàng shìjiè char 走向世界 ser 1018357119 gr * ref vwu3446b2 ps v.o. df go globewide; go to the world arena ...144 bytes (25 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py dàgànkuàishàng char 大干快上[-幹--] ser 1002151232 gr * ref vwu434b7 ps v.p. en PRC df go all out and go fast ...146 bytes (28 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py shuǎikāi bǎngzi char 甩开膀子[-開--] ser 1012010894 gr * ref vwei939b5 ps v.o. df go all out; go full steam ahead ...147 bytes (27 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py xiàbuqù char 下不去 ser 1013986396 gr * ref vkura585b14 ps r.v. 1df cannot go downward 2df@fe go against; harass; cause ...169 bytes (28 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py gǎn chǎngzi char 赶场子[趕場-] ser 1003952522 gr * ref vtwg35 ps v.o. df go to market; go to a fair ...132 bytes (24 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py qùgàn char 去干[-幹] ser 1019953157 ps r.v. df go do (go to do sth.) rem@rscook2015年03月11日 new entry (“守株待兔”的来历 ...165 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- hw hoi1 lai4 char 開嚟 ps V.P. df (for a per.) to go out, come out ex gwo3 hoi1 lai4 zau6 wan2 ngo5 jam2 caa4 laa1 hz 過開嚟就搵我飲 ...270 bytes (48 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- py qùbuchéng rem@TB2002.03 Changed bu4 to bu0. char 去不成 ser 1010488285 gr * ref vfe175a1 ps r.v. df unable to go; cannot go ...156 bytes (27 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py qùzhù char 去住 ser 1010583733 gr * ref vfd251b2 ps v.p. df now go, now stay; sometimes go, sometimes stay ...136 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py báiliùtuǐ(r) char 白溜腿 ser 1000183587 gr * ref vcoll15407 ps f.e. en coll. df go in vain; go on a fool's errand ...147 bytes (26 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py yìshèng rem@char 羿圣[-聖] rem@char 弈圣[-/羿聖] char 弈/羿圣[-/-聖] ser 1016091975 gr * ref vfe392d3 ...556 bytes (90 words) - 01:51, 9 January 2017
- 歸 𠨰嫁也𨑢止婦𥅱𠂤聲歸 女嫁也從止婦省𠂤聲 #v歸1𨓼𨺔𡚖𨺜帰𢅨𢅦䢜𤾤𣦨皈 ...754 bytes (78 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- .hw to go ser 2001978974 1df shèngxià de [剩下的] 1ex I have 3 pages to go. 1tr Wǒ háiyǒu sān yè jiù kànwán le. ...376 bytes (64 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- py qiāopíng char 敲枰 ser 1009959635 gr * ref vfe588d5 ps v.o. df play a Go (chess) game rem@rscook_2017-01-08T11:05:13PST ...214 bytes (37 words) - 01:49, 9 January 2017