Search results
- 2df cheese from cow's milk ...125 bytes (21 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df cow's milk mw bēi [杯] ...116 bytes (19 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df deployed in the shape of a cow's two horns ...163 bytes (28 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df kumiss; fermented (cow's/mare's) milk (Mongolian alcoholic drink) rem@TB2002.10 df (Mair) mw bēi [杯] ...202 bytes (29 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- en lit. cow-horn crispy pastry, i.e. crispy pastry shaped like a ... df croissant, i.e. the Fr. pastry shaped like a cow's horn ...672 bytes (94 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- en lit. cow-horn bread, i.e. bread shaped like a cow's horn; ... df croissant, i.e. the Fr. pastry shaped like a cow's horn ...656 bytes (99 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df double-boiled milk custard made with cow's milk or soybean milk and characterized by condensation layers on the surface ser 06582 ...241 bytes (35 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df beef offal, ox offal, i.e. cow's internal organs which are eaten as food ser 01297 ref WKB1997:215; BWR1998:207; ZN1999:058, 263; ...272 bytes (36 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- en lit. cow lubricate; fig.; 潤 jeon6/2 'to lubricate' ... df cow's liver eaten as food ser 03570 ref BWR1998:339 ...535 bytes (81 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df [en] cow's milk df [fr] lait de vache ex@JDF Wǒ shuì qián hē yī̠ bēi ∼. hz 我睡前喝一杯∼。 tr [en] I drink ...368 bytes (65 words) - 11:45, 19 December 2016
- 哞 [mōu] moo (sound made by cow) [móu] cf. 牟@@; (HDZ:) (象声) 牛叫的声音 The character 哞 mōu ‘moo (bovine/ox/cow call/cry)’ ...479 bytes (69 words) - 22:57, 14 February 2018
- 旧说为牡驴与牝牛所生 (jackass+cow hybrid) #rD.6.3908.5 KX..1199.38 #c豸乇 ...150 bytes (9 words) - 03:25, 5 November 2016
- sharply-flavored, granular cheese made from raw cow's milk and produced in cert. regions of It.; it is eaten in either grated or wedge form ...468 bytes (70 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df cow pasture ...113 bytes (18 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df cow husbandry ...113 bytes (17 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df cow dung ...100 bytes (16 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df cow pen/corral ...101 bytes (16 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 㨌(?㝅𣫌𡔵𡭾) [gòu] to milk a cow/goat@@; (HDZ:) 取牛羊乳 #rD.3.2162.1 KX..441.18 #c手殳士冖𡉉 #y gaau- ...139 bytes (15 words) - 03:31, 9 June 2019
- df milk a cow ...109 bytes (20 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df can't cow sb. ...111 bytes (18 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015