Search results
- .hw by and large ser 2002053313 df zǒng de shuōlái [总地说来]; dàtǐshang [大体上] subof large [2000790024] ...135 bytes (19 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- .hw by and large ser 2001845701 df jīběnshang [基本上]; dàtǐshang [大体上] subof ¹by [2000171691] ...125 bytes (16 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- df govt.-aided school, i.e. a school estd. by charitable or religious bodies and subsidized by the govt. for a large part of its expenditure ...283 bytes (47 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df large reusable plastic sack with a tartan weave commonly used by migrant workers traveling to and from their homes seealso shépí dàizi ...249 bytes (45 words) - 13:27, 16 June 2019
- shiso (Perilla frutescens var. crispa); large; weak/cowardly@@; (HDZ:) ... combines 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass/plant’, and 任() rèn (phonetic). ...856 bytes (97 words) - 01:37, 20 December 2018
- df large passenger truck with bars over the windows and used by HK. Police Force to transport people who have been arrested ser 09057 ...257 bytes (41 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df an esp. fast speedboat on which extra engines have been mounted and which is used by smugglers who operate btwn. HK. and Ch. transporting ...473 bytes (72 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- .hw large ipa lɑrdʒ gr A ser 2000790024 ref ox248a6 ... sub by and ∼ [2002053313] ...317 bytes (35 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 1df [en] by and large 1df [fr] globalement 2df [en] in general 2df [fr] en général freq 5 [gr:E] ...254 bytes (46 words) - 21:33, 31 May 2016
- df to be soft and fluffy 1ex di1 maan6 tau4 hou2 sung1 pau3 ... 2tr Don't be fooled by his large build, as he's quite ...406 bytes (63 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- The Shuōwén Seal form of 钤/鈐() qián ‘a large (metal) plow/plowshare (pulled by ox); a kind of mattock (used by hand)’ (鈐𨬍 ...560 bytes (74 words) - 02:50, 23 October 2018
- 1df large helmet-like mask with a monk's smiling face that ... 3df safety helmet worn by a motorcyclist 4df motorcyclist wearing ...879 bytes (130 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- iron/steel; hard; difficult/arduous; large (巨); apart (距); what/how (讵) combines 钅(金 jīn) ‘metal’ (iron), and 巨() jù (phonosemantic). ...697 bytes (96 words) - 07:54, 10 September 2019
- 1df [en] rider and mount 1df [fr] cavalier et monture 2df [en] coolies and beasts of burden 2df [fr] travailleurs et ...983 bytes (147 words) - 23:37, 16 January 2017
- df (for a per.) to be physically tall and strong with broad build; ... tr Don't be fooled by his tall and large build, because when ...618 bytes (96 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df large, heavy padlock with thick shackle that would require a ... to prevent robbers prying up the shutter and going into the shop to steal things ...1,020 bytes (156 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- 小 [xiǎo] small (微小 ‘little/tiny’; 大小 ‘size; big and ... a ⚋ thing split/divided into two halves), and a vertical line 丨() ...2 KB (183 words) - 04:03, 9 June 2019
- df large long-handled sword, such as the one used by Guan Yu 關羽 gwaan1 jyu5, a.k.a. 關公 gwaan1 gung1, (160 – 219 CE), a deified hist ...517 bytes (77 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- rem@2004.05.24 ?missing: {small-scale} cw: cw: Added as a new entry ... rem 2df@wei large scale rem@TB2001.08 Removed 2df per Hawaii. ...504 bytes (79 words) - 22:58, 16 October 2016
- formerly r.t. the walls which encircled large cities in Ch., esp. GZ.; ... df GZ. gang; gangsters from mainland Ch. who come to HK. and Macau ...491 bytes (79 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023