Search results
- 1df go/become/be blind 2df fail to see; see incorrectly; misidentify ... rem@rscook_2018-12-10T11:28:55PST be → go/become/be, 2df (GFC) ...243 bytes (40 words) - 02:46, 20 December 2018
- 1df go up a hill; go to the mountains 2en@wei topo. 2df@ die and be buried 3df@ be placed on small straw bundles to ...238 bytes (42 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1df go out to battle 2df go on an expedition 3df@vfe be on active military service ...177 bytes (30 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df@wei be a go-between; act as a go-between in a business deal ...175 bytes (32 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df be well received; be well liked; go down well ...155 bytes (29 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1df be in tune 2df@ be reasonable 3df@ match; go together (with) ...163 bytes (28 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1df go downstream; be with the stream; go with the flow ... rem@rscook_2017-01-24T11:16:11PST add “go with the flow” ...257 bytes (41 words) - 03:33, 25 January 2017
- df to leave so. or sth. alone; to let it be; to let sth. go unchecked ... 1tr If he doesn't want to go, then leave him alone ...553 bytes (89 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- rem@df a wizard at go df a wizard at Go (chess); Go master (high-level Go player) ...556 bytes (90 words) - 01:51, 9 January 2017
- 1df go forth to battle 2df be in full combat readiness 3df@fe be ready to defend the country ...211 bytes (36 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- en lit. to be a ghost be a horse; fig.; asked as rhetorical question ... df how could this go ahead? ex gaa3 caang1 dou1 mou5, zou6 gwai2 ...432 bytes (67 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- 12df be ready to go 13df be on tip-toe (in expectation) 2ps adv. 2df a very brief period ...210 bytes (37 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- .hw be/go down with ser 2001913483 df débìng [得病] subof ¹down [2000400238] ...98 bytes (14 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- df would be better; might as well ex Yǔqí tā lái, ∼ wǒ qù. ... tr It would be better for me to go there than for him to come here. ...254 bytes (43 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1df to go to one's workplace which is a place of prod. of some kind ... 1tr They will go to a movie set for filming 2en fig.; coll.; hum. ...683 bytes (107 words) - 20:08, 10 October 2023
- df be unable to go out ...115 bytes (20 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df be unable to go back ...117 bytes (20 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df go together; be complementary ...142 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df be constantly on the go ...124 bytes (21 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- df go downhill; be declining ...123 bytes (20 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015