Search results
- 狴 [bì] 狴犴 bì'àn prison/jail@@; (HDZ:) 𨻼: 牢狱; (兽名) 狴犴 From 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’, and 坒 bì (phonetic). Compare: 陛 bì. #rD.2.1348.7 M.5080 ...238 bytes (26 words) - 23:57, 3 September 2018
- 熚(=𤐙) (?𤒹) [bì] 熚𤒓/𤉨: 火貌 (cf. 𤉨) The Shuōwén Seal form of 熚() bì ‘fiery’ combines 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’, and 畢(𤲃) bì (phonetic). ...260 bytes (24 words) - 03:33, 27 July 2018
- 鄨(=) [bì] (古县名); (水名) The Shuōwén Seal form of 鄨() bì ‘(anc. district)’ combines 邑() yì ‘city-state’, and 敝() bì (phonetic). ...245 bytes (25 words) - 00:09, 4 September 2018
- 痹 [bì] 麻痹 palsy/paralysis; 皮痹 numbness; 寒痹 arthritis (from chill)@@; (HDZ:) (中医) 由风、寒、湿等侵蚀肢体引起的疼痛或麻木的症状; 气郁闷; ...500 bytes (44 words) - 23:58, 3 September 2018
- 𤹝(=) [bì] 脚麻, 脚筋肉痉挛 The Shuōwén Seal form of 𤹝() bì ‘leg spasms (which do not stop)’ combines 疒 (nè) ‘sickness’, and 毕/畢() ...283 bytes (29 words) - 03:37, 11 May 2018
- 筚(F篳) [bì] (书) bamboo/twig fence; simple woven bamboo/twig screen The Shuōwén Seal form of 筚/篳() bì ‘bamboo/twig fence’ combines 竹 (zhú) ‘bamboo’ ...399 bytes (48 words) - 03:34, 27 July 2018
- 跸(F蹕) [bì] (古) clear the streets/way for the imperial carriage The character 跸/蹕 bì ‘clear the streets/way for the imperial carriage’ combines ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’ ...487 bytes (55 words) - 02:48, 23 October 2018
- 泌 [mì] secrete (分泌); 泌尿 urinate, 泌尿系统 urinary system@@; (HDZ:) … [bì] 俠流; …; 泌瀄; 过滤渣滓 The Shuōwén Seal form of 泌() bì ‘mountain ...780 bytes (66 words) - 04:22, 9 June 2019
- 避 [bì] avoid (避免); escape/evade (逃避); 避讳 taboo; go/leave; decline/refuse; violate@@; (HDZ:) 回避, 躲避 … The character 避() bì ‘evade/dodge/avoid’ ...784 bytes (80 words) - 02:49, 23 October 2018
- 䠋(=髀) [bì] 钟形体下部大 [bǐ] 髀 (bì), 股 [bāi] “蹟䠋”, 行缭戾 #rD.6.3717.6 KX..1228.26 #c足卑⻊ #y bei/ ...154 bytes (12 words) - 05:25, 19 February 2019
- 鐴(S𬭽)(=鐾) [bì] 犁耳 [bèi] 把刀在布…使锋利 (旧读 bì) From 金 and 辟. #c金辟 #rD.6.4266.2 G.519.44 KX..1323.35 ...150 bytes (13 words) - 00:08, 10 April 2016
- 柲(=㧙𢴩鉍䪐) [bì] (SW: 欑) (古) 兵器的柄; 器物的柄; 刺; 弓檠 (正弓的工具; 规矩, 规范; cf. 弼𢐈); 偶 [bié] 拗; 戾; 手㧙物 [bí] ? ...566 bytes (56 words) - 04:17, 9 June 2019
- 皕(=) (!舑㐁𦧖䑙) [bì] two hundred@@; (HDZ:) 二百; (HDC:) 皕宋: (楼名); 形容宋版书多 [bī] ? The character 皕() bì ‘two hundred’ doubles ...372 bytes (34 words) - 23:17, 14 February 2018
- 荜(F蓽) [bì] 荜拨 long pepper; (=筚) From 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass’ and 毕(畢) bì phonetic. #rD.5.3202.10 B.105.1.07 #c艹毕比十芘 #y bat\ ...163 bytes (18 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- 铋(F鉍) [bì] bismuth (Bi)@@ [sè] cf. 鉍 From 钅(金 jīn) ‘metal’ and 必 bì phonetic. #rD.6.4191.6 B.157.0.01 #c钅必 #y bit\ ...152 bytes (20 words) - 01:53, 2 June 2016
- 襞 [bì] (书) 折叠衣裙 to fold (clothing); 折子 folds, 皱纹 creases/wrinkles (in clothing); 裂开, 剖分 split/cut@@; (HDZ:) … The Shuōwén Seal form of 襞( ...493 bytes (46 words) - 05:58, 19 February 2019
- 躄 [bì] to limp, be lame@@; (HDZ:) 瘸腿, 足不能行, (YP:) 跛甚者; (HDC:) 蹩躄/躠 ‘緩行貌’; (HDC:!) 蹩躠/𨇨 The character 躄 bì ‘limp/lame’ combines ...370 bytes (37 words) - 04:45, 23 November 2017
- 裨 [bì] (书) benefit (裨益 bìyì) [pí] (书) secondary, minor@@; (HDZ:) … [pì] (HDC:?) 無裨 The Shuōwén Seal form of 裨() bì ‘mend (sew/link up); augment’ ...519 bytes (49 words) - 05:58, 19 February 2019
- 箅 [bì] bamboo/etc. grid/grate for steaming food (竹箅)@@; (HDZ:) 蒸锅中的竹屜, (后) 有空隙而能起间隔作用的器具 (竹箅子, 铁箅子, 纱箅子, 炉箅子) ...576 bytes (57 words) - 00:00, 4 September 2018
- 鐾(=鐴S𬭽) [bèi] sharpen a knife by rubbing it against cloth/leather/stone/etc.@@ [bì] 犁耳 From 辟 bì and 金 (jīn) ‘metal’. #rD.6.4266.3 KX..1324.15 B.448.0.02 ...199 bytes (27 words) - 00:09, 10 April 2016