En talk:3387CEA1F8F07599

From Wenlin Dictionaries
Revision as of 14:59, 10 April 2017 by Tangmu (talk | contribs) (notes about creating new entry)
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We had an entry for "configuration" but not for "configure". I found this Microsoft page:


They translate "You can now easily configure the default Start layout ..." as "现在,您可以轻松地配置默认的开始布局...".

I'm not at all sure whether 配置 by itself is an adequate gloss for "configure". Compare:

configuration [kənˌfɪgyəˈreɪʃən] {C} n.c. bùjú 布局; jiégòu 结构

It's interesting that the Microsoft example appears to use "布局" to translate "layout".

Here's an example of "配置选项" appearing to mean "configuration options":


Anyway this is a first draft of an entry for "configure". We also need an entry for "configurable", and perhaps "configuration" should be made into a subentry of "configure", even though I'm not a big fan of subentries. Tangmu (talk)