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<WL>贸(F貿) [mào] 贸易 màoyì trade/commerce; 财贸 finance & trade; 贸贸 rashly@@  [móu] cf. 貿
<WL>贸(F貿) [mào] 贸易 trade/commerce; 财贸 finance & trade; 贸贸 rashly@@  [móu] cf. 貿
The Shuōwén Seal form of 贸/貿(􁄸𧶻) mào ‘trade/commerce’ combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie/money’, and (􂥱戼卯) mǎo (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 贸/貿(􁄸𧶻) mào ‘trade/commerce’ combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie/money’, and (􂥱戼卯) mǎo (phonosemantic).
Note: In the modern forms 贸/貿 the upper component ⿰𠂎󰀂刀 (5 strokes) is a combining form of 卯⿰𠂎卩 (5 strokes), also used for 丣 (7 strokes).
Note: In the modern forms 贸/貿 the upper component ⿰𠂎󰀂刀 (5 strokes) is a combining form of 卯⿰𠂎卩 (5 strokes), also used for 丣 (7 strokes).
Note: (诗) (氓) 氓之蚩蚩、抱布貿絲 “A simple-looking lad you were, Carrying cloth to exchange it for silk.” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (氓) 匪來貿絲、來即我謀 “[But] you came not so to purchase silk; -- You came to make proposals to me.” (Legge)
Compare: 留(􂛦畱) liú ‘stay’, in which the upper component is (􂦂丣𫝁) yǒu, not (􂥱戼卯) mǎo.
Compare: 留(􂛦畱) liú ‘stay’, in which the upper component is (􂦂丣𫝁) yǒu, not (􂥱戼卯) mǎo.
Compare: 货/貨(􁄕) huò ‘(trade/sale) goods/property; money’, in which the upper part is 化(􁙔).
Compare: 货/貨(􁄕) huò ‘(trade/sale) goods/property; money’, in which the upper part is 化(􁙔).

Latest revision as of 02:09, 9 August 2019

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