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<WL>册(F冊) [cè] 册子 book; 手册 shǒucè handbook; 地图册 dìtúcè atlas@@; (HDZ:) …; 史册 annals; 册书 imperial edict  [zhà] 栅: 篱笆, 栏栅
<WL>册(F冊) [cè] 册子 book; 手册 shǒucè handbook; 地图册 dìtúcè atlas@@; (HDZ:) …; 史册 annals; 册书 imperial edict  [zhà] 栅: 篱笆, 栏栅
The simple-form character 册 (5 strokes) is a minor variant of the full-form character 冊 (5 strokes), using a shape like 𠘬⿰几几 with two horizontal segments instead of one (冂).
The simple-form character 册 (5 strokes) is a minor variant of the full-form character 冊 (5 strokes), using a shape like 𠘬⿰几几 with two horizontal segments above instead of one (冂).
The full-form character 冊 (5 strokes) is an abbrev. of older forms wr. 𠕋 (6 strokes) with an additional horizontal stroke.
The full-form character 冊 (5 strokes) is an abbrev. of older forms wr. 𠕋 (6 strokes), replacing the old central horizontals 二 (2 strokes) with 一 (1 stroke).
The Shuōwén Seal form of册/冊(􀗬𠕋𠕁) cè ‘bamboo strip book’ is said to depict multiple 简 jiǎn ‘bamboo strips/slips’ bound/strung together to form an ancient book; in the Seal form the vertical lines represent the bamboo strips, and the parallel horizontal lines represent the strings/binding; cf. 简/簡(􀱵𥳑).
The Shuōwén Seal form of册/冊(􀗬𠕋𠕁) cè ‘bamboo strip book of imperial records/omens/edicts’ is said to depict multiple 简 jiǎn ‘bamboo strips/slips’ bound/strung together to form an ancient book; in the old form 𠕋(􀗬) the vertical lines represent bamboo strips, and the parallel horizontal lines represent the strings/binding; formerly wr. 𥬰(􀗭), with the old form of 竹 ‘bamboo’ above, cf. 简/簡(􀱵𥳑).
Compare: 典(􀴂) biǎn ‘classic text’ (=册); 扁(􀗰) biān ‘sign/inscription (on a door)’; 编/編(􂒽) biān ‘bind’ (as in 编简 biānjiǎn ‘bind together bamboo slips’).
Compare: 典(􀴂) diǎn ‘classic text’ (=册); 扁(􀗰) biān ‘sign/inscription (on a door)’; 编/編(􂒽) biān ‘bind’ (as in 编简 biānjiǎn ‘bind together bamboo slips’).
Compare: 删/刪(􀯷) shān ‘delete/erase’ (scrape off characters painted on bamboo strip); 珊(􀃧) shān ‘(sharp) red (ocean/mountain) coral’.
Compare: 删/刪(􀯷) shān ‘delete/erase’ (scrape off characters painted on bamboo strip); 珊(􀃧) shān ‘(sharp) red (ocean/mountain) coral’.
“Writing tablet; a list, document, records; diploma — picture of wooden writing slips tied together” —Karlgren(AD).
“[冊] Writing tablet; a list, document, records; diploma — picture of wooden writing slips tied together” —Karlgren(AD).
Note: The modern simple form 册 (GB) and modern full form 冊 (Big5), like the SIP forms 𠕁(􀗬𠕋) are all variants of the same abstract character; 册/冊 would have been unified in Unicode, but for Source Separation; 𠕁/𠕋 should also have been unified (with 册/冊).
Note: The modern simple form 册 (GB) and modern full form 冊 (Big5), like the old forms 𠕁(􀗬𠕋) are all variants of the same abstract character; 册/冊 would have been unified in Unicode, but for Source Separation; 𠕁/𠕋 should also have been unified (with 册/冊).
HDZ: 冊 : cè : (古) 书简 (文书用竹简, 编简名为册; 簿籍); 符命: 皇帝的诏书, 册书; 赐封; (量词) (单位) 书本数量 (人手一册); 策: 谋略, 计策; 竖立, 使竖立; (姓) • zhà : 栅: 篱笆, 栏栅
HDZ: 冊 : cè : (古) 书简 (文书用竹简, 编简名为册; 簿籍); (SW: 符命) 皇帝的诏书, 册书; 赐封; (量词) (单位) 书本数量 (人手一册); 策: 谋略, 计策; 竖立, 使竖立; (姓) • zhà : 栅: 篱笆, 栏栅
HDC: 符命 : 上天预示帝王受命的符兆; (文体名) 内容为述说瑞应以颂帝王功德
#rK.AD1046 D.1.99.8 L.303 M.6756 B.018.0.04 WHY...198 E.0
#rK.AD1046 D.1.99.8 L.303 M.6756 B.018.0.04 WHY...198 E.0
#y chaak-
#y chaak-

Latest revision as of 01:48, 9 August 2019

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