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The Shuōwén Seal form of 需(􂀆) xū ‘wait for (rain to stop)’ combines 雨(􁿏) yǔ ‘rain’, and 而(􁧗) ér ‘beard/mustache/whiskers’ (須): encountering (confronted with) prolonged rain, a man can only (must) stop/wait and let his whiskers grow; formerly also wr. 𩓣(􁱯), 須(􁡤).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 需(􂀆) xū ‘wait for (rain to stop)’ combines 雨(􁿏) yǔ ‘rain’, and 而(􁧗) ér ‘beard/mustache/whiskers’ (須): encountering (confronted with) prolonged rain, a man can only (must) stop/wait and let his whiskers grow; formerly also wr. 𩓣(􁱯), 須(􁡤).
Note: SW 需(􂀆) xū ‘wait for (rain to stop)’ is glossed with 𩓣(􁱯) xū ‘wait for’ (augmented wr. of 須), and 雨 ‘rain’ is associated with (易) ䷄ in which ☵ ‘rain’ (雨) over ☰ ‘heavens/weather/time’ (天), noting the similarity of 天(􀀃) and 而(􁧗) in the Seal.
Note: SW 需(􂀆) xū ‘wait for (rain to stop)’ is glossed with 𩓣(􁱯) xū ‘wait for’ (augmented wr. of 須), and 雨 ‘rain’ is associated with (易) ䷄ in which ☵ ‘rain’ (雨) over ☰ ‘heavens/weather/time’ (天), noting the similarity of 天(􀀃) and 而(􁧗) in the Seal.
Older graphs associated with 需/𩂉 have 雨 (or simply dots for rain drops) surrounding/above 天/大 (not 而); cf. 𩂉, 天(􀀃), 大(􁰋􁱗亣); 耎(􁱜).
Older graphs associated with 需/𩂉 have the component 雨 (or simply dots for rain drops) surrounding/above 天/大 (not 而); cf. 𩂉, 天(􀀃), 大(􁰋􁱗亣); 耎(􁱜).
Compare: 须/須(􁡤) xū ‘must, have to’ (as in 必须 bìxū).
Compare: 须/須(􁡤) xū ‘must, have to’ (as in 必须 bìxū).
Note: According to Karlgren(AD) the characters 需/须 are etymologically the same word, seeing 需 as perhaps a wr. of 须/須/鬚 xū ‘beard’ (胡须), since the old meaning of the bottom component of 需 is explained in SW as 而(􁧗) ér ‘beard/mustache/whiskers’; but this reasoning seems circular, a reinterpretation of 天 as 而 in 需; certainly the characters 需/須/𩓣 have a long association and various similarities attesting various usage.
Note: According to Karlgren(AD) the characters 需/须 are etymologically the same word, seeing 需 as perhaps a wr. of 须/須/鬚 xū ‘beard’ (胡须), since the old meaning of the bottom component of 需 is explained in SW as 而(􁧗) ér ‘beard/mustache/whiskers’; but this reasoning seems circular, a reinterpretation of 天 as 而 in 需; certainly the characters 需/須/𩓣 have a long association and various similarities attesting various usage.
Compare: 需/须 xū ‘need/must’, used in different contexts/compounds, generally not interchangeable, or with subtle meaning differences; cf. 需要 (aux./n.) vs. 须要 (aux.).
Compare: 需/须 xū ‘need/must’, used in different contexts/compounds, generally not interchangeable, or with subtle meaning differences; cf. 需要 (aux./n.) vs. 须要 (aux.).
HDZ: 需 : xū : 等待; 索取; 给用, 需要; 迟疑; (卦名) ䷄; (姓) • nuò : 懦: 懦弱 • rú : 韦柔滑貌 • ruǎn : 耎: 柔软
Compare: 儒(􁕞) rú ‘scholar; Confucian’.
HDZ: 需 : xū : 等待; 索取; 给用, 需要; 迟疑; (卦名) ䷄; (姓) • nuò : 懦: 懦弱 • rú : 韦柔滑貌 (cf. 儒: 柔) • ruǎn : 耎: 柔软
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#rG.075.40 K.AD840,GSR134a D.6.4062.2 M.2844 KX..1373.24 B.316.0.04 WHY...184 E.1
#y seui\
#y seui\

Latest revision as of 00:38, 21 June 2019

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