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The Shuōwén Seal form of 士(􀃶) shì ‘(unwed adult male) doer/completer of deeds/duties’ (事) begins below with 一 yī ‘one’, and ends above with 十(􀘗) shí ‘ten’ (phonosemantic), the number of completion (all ten fingers): an accomplished man of substance (cf. 壮).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 士(􀃶) shì ‘(unwed adult male) doer/completer of deeds/duties’ (事) begins below with 一 yī ‘one’, and ends above with 十(􀘗) shí ‘ten’ (phonosemantic), the number of completion (all ten fingers): an accomplished man of substance (cf. 壮).
Note: SW puns on 事(􀠻) shì ‘official duties/rank’ in glossing 士 shì; these are homophones in OC reconstructions (GSR), or nearly so (Baxter); in MC they differed in tone (at least).
Note: SW puns on 事(􀠻) shì ‘official duties/rank’ in glossing 士 shì; these are homophones in OC reconstructions (GSR), or nearly so (Baxter); in MC they differed in tone (at least).
“Officer (military or civil); scholar, gentleman” —Karlgren(1923).
“[士] Officer (military or civil); scholar, gentleman” —Karlgren(1923).
Compare: 大(􁰋) dà big (man with arms extended wide), which as the lid of 壶/壺(􁰸𡔲) is wr. 士 in modern forms.
Compare: 大(􁰋) dà big (man with arms extended wide), which as the lid of 壶/壺(􁰸𡔲) is wr. 士 in modern forms.
Note: In 士 shì the upper horizontal line is longer than the lower.
Note: In 士 shì the upper horizontal line is longer than the lower.

Revision as of 00:32, 21 June 2019

士 [To view this entry, please log in]

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