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<WL>绪(F緒) [xù] 情绪 mood; moodiness, 愁绪 depression; 思绪 train of thought; 头绪 main thread/point; trail/clue; 绝绪 heirless@@; cf. 緒
<WL>绪(F緒) [xù] 情绪 mood; moodiness, 愁绪 depression; 思绪 train of thought; 头绪 main thread/point; trail/clue; 绝绪 heirless@@; cf. 緒
The Shuōwén Seal form of 绪/緒(􂏹) xù ‘free end of silk thread’ (cf. 统) combines 纟(糸 sī) ‘thread’, and 者(􀦅) zhě (phonetic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 绪/緒(􂏹) xù ‘free end of silk thread’ (cf. 统) combines 纟/糹(糸 sī) ‘silk/thread’, and 者(􀦅) zhě/zhù (phonosemantic).
Compare: 续/續(􂐙) xù ‘continue’; 叙/敘(􀣗敍) xù ‘order/arrange’.
Compare: 续/續(􂐙) xù ‘continue’; 叙/敘(􀣗敍) xù ‘order/arrange’.
#rD.5.3409.1 B.213.0.05 E.0
#rD.5.3409.1 B.213.0.05 E.0

Latest revision as of 04:39, 9 June 2019

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