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The Shuōwén Seal form of 租(􁌦) zū ‘land rent/tax’ (田赋) combines 禾 (hé) ‘grain’, and 且(􂠆) jū (phonosemantic): feudal land rents/taxes, paid to the feudal lord, in grain/produce/etc.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 租(􁌦) zū ‘land rent/tax’ (田赋) combines 禾 (hé) ‘grain’, and 且(􂠆) jū (phonosemantic): feudal land rents/taxes, paid to the feudal lord, in grain/produce/etc.
Compare: 耡(􀰫) chú ‘(anc.) farm tax’; 助(􂛼) zhù ‘help’; 且(􂠆) jū ‘sacrificial altar/offering’.
Compare: 且(􂠆) jū/zǔ ‘sacrificial altar; cutting board’.
Compare: 蒩(􀉱) zū ‘(ritual/offering) cogongrass/straw mat (basket)’, also wr. 租, 鉏.
Compare: 耡(􀰫) chú ‘(anc.) farm tax’; 助(􂛼) zhù ‘help’.
HDZ: 租 : zū : 田赋; 税; 征收租税; 租用 (租房子, 租傢/家具/俱); 租金, 出租所收取的钱或实物 (房租, 地租, 减租减息); 田中禾稿; 积聚; 蒩: 祭祀时所籍之席 • jū : 包, 包裹
HDZ: 租 : zū : 田赋; 税; 征收租税; 租用 (租房子, 租傢/家具/俱); 租金, 出租所收取的钱或实物 (房租, 地租, 减租减息); 田中禾稿; 积聚; 蒩: 祭祀时所籍之席 • jū : 包, 包裹
HDC: 田賦 : 按田亩征收的赋税
HDC: 田賦 : 按田亩征收的赋税

Latest revision as of 04:34, 9 June 2019

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