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<WL>孝 [xiào] 孝顺 filial piety (care/respect for parents/elders); 带孝 mourn; continue a tradition@@; (HDZ:) 祭, 祭祀; …
<WL>孝 [xiào] 孝顺 filial piety (care/respect for parents/elders); continue a tradition; 带孝 mourn@@; (HDZ:) 祭, 祭祀; …
The Seal form of 孝(􁜎) xiào ‘filial piety’ has 耂(􁜅老) lǎo ‘elder’ (abbreviated) above, and 子 (zǐ) ‘child’ below; 孝 is defined as ‘doing good deeds for one's parents’, and it is said that 子承老 ‘the child inherits (continuing tradition) from his parents and sustains them’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 孝(􁜎) xiào ‘filial piety’ combines 老(􁜅) lǎo ‘elder’ (abbrev.), and 子 (zǐ) ‘child’; the child (below) inherits (continuing tradition) from the parents (above), and sustains his elders in their old age (子承老).
Compare: 寿/壽(􁜌𦓆) shòu ‘longevity’ (also with 老 abbreviated).
Note: In the character 孝 (7 strokes) the upper component 老 (6 strokes) is abbrev. to its top part 耂 (4 strokes), which is 毛 (white hair) over 人 (elderly person, cf. 包); the arrangement of components ⿱耂子 depicts the child (below) sustaining the protective parent (above).
Compare: 教(􀣞敎􀣟𧧿􀣠𤕝) jiāo/jiào ‘teach/educate’, 𡥈(􂥞𡥉) jiào ‘imitate, follow an example’.
Compare: 考(􁜍) kǎo ‘longevity’ (壽考); 寿/壽(􁜌𦓆) shòu ‘longevity’; 长/長(􁧌𨱗􁧍仧􁧎𨱘) zhǎng ‘elder/chief’.
HDZ: 孝 : xiào : 祭, 祭祀; 孝顺 (善事父母); 能继先人之志; 居丧; 居丧的人; 丧服; 效法; 畜养, 保育; (姓)
Compare: 教(􀣞敎􀣟𧧿􀣠𤕝) jiāo/jiào ‘teach/educate’; 𡥈(􂥞𡥉) jiào ‘imitate, follow an example’.
HDZ: 孝 : xiào : 祭, 祭祀; (SW: 善事父母者) 孝顺; 能继先人之志; 居丧; 居丧的人; 丧服; 效法; 畜养, 保育; (姓)
HDC: 孝顺 : (原) 爱敬天下之人、顺天下人之心的美好德行, (后) 尽心奉养父母, 顺从父母的意志; 以财物贿赂官吏或尊长等; 用其他方式讨好人家; 贿赂官吏或尊长的财物; 献给皇帝的贡物
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#y haau-
#y haau-

Latest revision as of 04:02, 9 June 2019

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