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<WL>划 [huá] paddle/row (a boat); (F劃) cut/scratch  [huà] (F劃) (F畫) (计划) plan/scheme; (划分) divide/differentiate@@; (HDZ:) …  [huai] (F劃) (㓦划)  [guò] 镰 sickle  [guǒ] 𠜴: 割 cut
<WL>划 [huá] paddle/row (a boat); (F劃) cut/scratch  [huà] (F劃) (F畫) (计划) plan/scheme; (划分) divide/differentiate@@; (HDZ:) …  [huai] (F劃) (㓦划)  [guò] 镰 sickle  [guǒ] 𠜴: 割 cut
The character 划 is an old form, re-used for 划 huá ‘paddle’, and as the simple form of 劃 huá ‘scratch’, and 畫/劃 huà ‘plan’.
The character 划 is an old form, re-used for 划 huá ‘paddle’, and as the simple form of 劃 huá ‘scratch’, and 畫/劃 huà ‘plan’.
The old character 划 guò/guǒ ‘sickle/cut’ combines 刂(刀 dāo) ‘knife’, and 戈(􂍍) gē ‘lance-axe’ (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. 𠜴 guǒ ‘cut’.
The old character 划 guò/guǒ ‘sickle/cut’ combines 刂(刀 dāo) ‘knife’, and 戈(􂍍) gē ‘lance-axe’ (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. 𠜴 guǒ ‘cut’.
Compare: 搳(􂆔) huá, 割(􀯻) gē ‘cut/reap’, 鐹 guǒ ‘sickle’.
Compare: 搳(􂆔) huá, 割(􀯻) gē ‘cut/reap’, 鐹 guǒ ‘sickle’.
Note: Also 划 huá ‘pole/punt/paddle/row (a boat)’, formerly also wr. 找.
Note: Also 划 huá ‘pole/punt/paddle/row (a boat)’, formerly also wr. 找.
“[划] To pole a boat” —Karlgren(AD).
“[划] To pole a boat” —Karlgren(AD).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 劃(􀯽) huá/huà ‘scratch/plan’ combines (刀 dāo) ‘knife’, and 畫(􀡊𤲿) huà ‘draw lines’ (phonosemantic): to make/draw lines/scratches with a sharp knife; formerly wr. 畫(􀡊𤲿), 𤱪(􀡋), 𠞷(􀡌), cf. 画/畫.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 劃(􀯽) huá/huà ‘scratch/plan’ combines (刀 dāo) ‘knife’, and 畫(􀡊𤲿) huà ‘draw lines’ (phonosemantic): to make/draw lines/scratches with a sharp knife; formerly wr. 畫(􀡊𤲿), 𤱪(􀡋), and 𠞷(􀡌), cf. 画/畫.
Note: Among full-form characters there is sometimes 劃/畫 variation (as in 計劃/畫 jìhuà ‘plan’), but among simple-form characters 计划 is standard (not 计画); cf. 画.
Note: Among full-form characters there is sometimes 劃/畫 variation (as in 計劃/畫 jìhuà ‘plan’), but among simple-form characters 计划 is standard (not 计画); cf. 画.
“[劃] Delimit, mark off; split” —Karlgren(AD).
“[劃] Delimit, mark off; split” —Karlgren(AD).

Latest revision as of 03:51, 9 June 2019

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