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<WL>㐅(=􂤚􂤙𠄡五乄􂌾乂􂌿刈) (!􂌾父􁰨交〤又) [wǔ] cf. 五
<WL>㐅(=􂤚􂤙𠄡五乄)(!􂌾乂􂌿刈) [wǔ] cf. 五; (!爻父交〤又㕛)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 㐅(􂤚) wǔ ‘five’ is an old abbrev. of 五(􂤙𠄡) wǔ ‘five’ (☲), omitting the upper and lower horizontal strokes; cf. 五.
Note: As a component the shape 㐅 is used for 乂(􂌾) yì ‘mow/cut’, later wr. 刈(􂌿).
Compare: 爻(􀣳) yáo ‘n-gram lines’ (䷜).
#rD.1.31.4 KX..81.18
#rD.1.31.4 KX..81.18
#y ng/
#y ng/

Latest revision as of 03:28, 9 June 2019

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