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<WL>屈 [qū] winding/crooked/curved/bent; wronged/injustice; 委屈 feel wronged; 屈服 submit/yield@@; (HDZ:) …  [jué] 桔竭; 倔; 崛  [què] 屈狄=𦁐狄  [jú] 狂屈
<WL>屈 [qū] winding/crooked/curved/bent; wronged/injustice; 委屈 feel wronged; 屈服 submit/yield; flexible@@; (HDZ:) …  [jué] 桔竭; 倔; 崛  [què] 屈狄=𦁐狄  [jú] 狂屈
The Shuōwén Seal form of 屈(􁜷𡲶) qū ‘tail-less/short-tailed (animal)’ combines 尾(􁜵) ‘tail’, and 出(􁃂岀) chū ‘go/jut out’ (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 屈(􁜷𡲶) qū ‘tail-less/short-tailed (animal)’ combines 尾(􁜵) ‘tail’, and 出(􁃂岀) chū ‘go/jut out’ (phonosemantic).
Note: As a component, 屈 qū ‘winding/bent/short’; cf. 崛(􁤠𡽈) jué ‘steep/high but short (not long) mountain’; 突出 ‘stick/jut out’.
Note: As a component, 屈 qū ‘winding/bent/short’; cf. 崛(􁤠𡽈) jué ‘steep/high but short (not long) mountain’; 突出 ‘stick/jut out’.
Compare: 柮(􁂍) duò/zuó ‘short/cut/piece of wood’, 絀(􂑢) chù ‘insufficient’; 诎/詘(􀜘􀜙𧬲誳) qū ‘crooked/bent; stammer’.
Compare: 柮(􁂍) duò/zuó ‘short/cut/piece of wood’, 絀(􂑢) chù ‘insufficient’; 诎/詘(􀜘􀜙𧬲誳) qū ‘crooked/bent; stammer’.
“尸 is 尾 wěi tail contracted. To 出 go away, the 尾 tail lowered” —Wieger.
“[屈] 尸 is 尾 wěi tail contracted. To 出 go away, the 尾 tail lowered” —Wieger.
“尾 the tail when (the dog) 出 goes out — bent!; or is 出 phonetic in spite of the initial?” —Karlgren(1923).
“[屈] 尾 the tail when (the dog) 出 goes out — bent!; or is 出 phonetic in spite of the initial?” —Karlgren(1923).
Compare: 屈(􁜷𡲶) qū ‘short-tailed (dog/bird)’, ← MC /gjuət/ (SBGY); 曲(􂎝) qū ‘curved’ ← MC /khjuok/ (SBGY); today 屈/曲 have different Cantonese pronunciations.
Compare: 屈(􁜷𡲶) qū ‘short-tailed (dog/bird)’, ← MC /gjuət/ (SBGY); 曲(􂎝) qū ‘curved’ ← MC /khjuok/ (SBGY); today 屈/曲 have different Cantonese pronunciations.
HDZ: 屈 : qū : 无尾; 短; 弯曲, 曲折; 屈服, 屈从; 委屈, 冤屈; 勉强, 强迫; 短亏, 亏损 (理屈词穷); 断绝; 穷困, 困窘; 集中, 聚积; 交错陈列; 收治, 治理; 邀请; 郁; 轧; (量词) 个, 块; (古邑名); (姓) • jué : 枯竭, 穷尽; 倔: 顽强, 固执; 崛: 高起, 突起 • què : 屈狄=𦁐狄 (cf. 闕狄/翟): (古) 贵妇人的一种服装 • jú : “狂屈”, 理性颠倒失常
HDZ: 屈 : qū : 无尾; 短; 弯曲, 曲折; 屈服, 屈从; 委屈, 冤屈; 勉强, 强迫; 短亏, 亏损 (理屈词穷); 断绝; 穷困, 困窘; 集中, 聚积; 交错陈列; 收治, 治理; 邀请; 郁; 轧; (量词) 个, 块; (古邑名); (姓) • jué : 枯竭, 穷尽; 倔: 顽强, 固执; 崛: 高起, 突起 • què : 屈狄=𦁐狄 (cf. 闕狄/翟): (古) 贵妇人的一种服装 • jú : “狂屈”, 理性颠倒失常
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Latest revision as of 05:37, 19 February 2019

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