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<WL>银(F銀) [yín] silver (Ag); 银行 yínháng bank
<WL>银(F銀) [yín] silver (Ag); silver metal/money; silver color; 银行 bank (financial institution)
From 钅(jīn) ‘metal’ and 艮 gèn phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 银/銀(􂜮𨧏) yín ‘silver’ combines /金 (jīn) ‘metal’, and 艮(􁙞𥃩) gèn ‘look back’ (phonosemantic); the silver/shiny/reflective metal.
Compare: 艮(􁙞𥃩) gèn ‘(obdurately/stubbornly) refuse/disobey; turn/look away/back’ (☶䷳).
Compare: 锡/錫(􂜲) xī ‘tin’, in old texts sometimes conflated with 銀 yín ‘silver’, and 鉛(􂜱) qiān ‘lead’.
#rD.6.4203.1 B.196.0.01 E.0
#rD.6.4203.1 B.196.0.01 E.0
#y ngan/ ngahn\
#y ngan/ ngahn\

Latest revision as of 01:44, 20 December 2018

银 [To view this entry, please log in]

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