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<WL>荒 [huāng] desolate; wasteland; famine; 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd@@  [huǎng] 㤺  [kāng] 𨻷/槺, 虚  [huáng] 事情变坏
<WL>荒 [huāng] wasteland; desolate; famine; 荒谬 absurd@@; (HDZ:) … [huǎng] 㤺  [kāng] 𨻷/槺: 虚  [huáng] 事情变坏
(wáng) devastation of 艹 (草 cǎo) plants caused by 川 (chuān) floods.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 荒(􀉌𦮋) huāng ‘overgrown/fallow land/wasteland’ combines 艹(艸/草 cǎo) ‘grass/plant’, and 巟(􁾚𡿬) huāng (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 巟, and 𥡃(􁌩𥡍𥠸).
Phonetic in 慌 huāng ‘flustered’, 谎 huǎng ‘lie’.
Compare: 谎/謊(􀛯詤) huǎng ‘talk nonsense/untruth’; 慌 huāng ‘flustered/confused’, formerly wr. 荒.
An old form was 巟, without 艹.
HDZ: 荒 : huāng : 田地生草, 无人耕种 (cf. 𥡃); 收成不好, 凶年; 荒废, 弃置; 事物严重缺乏 (煤荒, 房荒, 师资荒); 虚, 空; 亡, 败; 沉溺, 迷乱 (荒淫); 不确定的 (荒数儿); 不合情理的 (荒谬, 荒诞); (荒子, 荒薄板坯); 破烂, 废弃物 (收荒); 扩大, 开拓; 包括, 据有; (古) 离王都最远的地方; 掩, 覆盖; 蒙覆柩车的柳衣; 慌: 惊慌, 急迫; 肓; (姓) • huǎng : 慌: 模糊 • kāng : 𨻷/槺: 虚 • huáng : 事情变坏
#rG.180.48,428.45 W.12j K.AD103,GSR742e' D.5.3209.2 M.2271 KX..1031.08 B.106.1.10 E.1
#rG.180.48,428.45 W.12j K.AD103,GSR742e' D.5.3209.2 M.2271 KX..1031.08 B.106.1.10 E.1
#y fong\
#y fong\

Latest revision as of 01:37, 20 December 2018

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