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<WL>范 [fàn] (surname); (F範) 范围 scope, range; 模范 model, fine example
<WL>范 [fàn] (surname); (F範) 范围 scope/range; 模范 model/example@@; (HDZ:) …
From 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass’ over 氾 fàn phonetic.
The character 范 is an old character (formerly the name of a plant), today mainly used as the simple form of 範.
范 is an old character, used among full form characters only as a surname. 范 is also used as the simple form of 範 fàn, which is composed of (zhú) ‘bamboo’ over 車 (chē) ‘car’ and (a phonetic component).
Note: was long ago re-used as a variant of 笵, which is the old wr. of 範 fàn ‘mold/model/example’; cf. 笵(􀱹), 範(􂡶).
Compare 犯 fàn ‘criminal’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of (􀋅) fàn ‘(a plant)’ combines 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass/plant’, and 氾(􁹬) fàn (phonetic).
HDZ: 范 : fàn : (草名); 𧍙: 蜂; (县名); 範: (铸造器物的模型; 用模型浇铸; 法则); 軓: 车轼前; (姓); (简体) 範
#rG.337.35 W.55k K.AD20,60,GSR626e D.5.3196.3 M.1778 KX..1026.01 B.072.0.03
#rG.337.35 W.55k K.AD20,60,GSR626e D.5.3196.3 M.1778 KX..1026.01 B.072.0.03
#y faahn-
#y faahn-

Revision as of 01:37, 20 December 2018

范 [To view this entry, please log in]

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