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<WL>肋 [lèi] 肋骨 lèigǔ rib (thoracic)  [lē] 肋脦 untidy@@  [jīn] 筋
<WL>肋 [lèi] 肋骨 lèigǔ rib (thoracic)  [lē] 肋脦 untidy@@; (HDZ:) … [jīn] 筋
The Shuōwén Seal form of 肋(􀭉) lèi ‘rib’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 力(􂛸) lì (phonetic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 肋(􀭉) lèi ‘rib’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 力(􂛸) lì (phonetic).
Compare: 筋(􀯌) jīn ‘sinew/tendon’ (肋 is not a traditional component of 筋, though 肋 is attested as a variant wr. of 筋).
Compare: 筋(􀯌) jīn ‘sinew/tendon’ (肋 is not a traditional component of 筋, though 肋 is attested as a variant wr. of 筋).

Latest revision as of 01:35, 20 December 2018

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