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<WL>竞(F競) [jìng] 竞争 jìngzhēng compete; 竞赛 contest@@  [jīng] cf. 競
<WL>竞(F競) [jìng] 竞争 jìngzhēng compete; 竞赛 contest@@  [jīng] cf. 競
The modern simple form character 竞 is an abbreviation (one half) of 競; the top of 竞 looks like 立, but in the old graphs it is 丯(􀰢) jiè; the bottom looks like 兄, but cf. (􀜹𧫘).
The simple-form character 竞 (10 strokes) is an abbrev. (one half) of the full-form character 競 (20 strokes).
The full-form character was formerly wr. 竸 (22 strokes), and earlier 𧫘 (18 strokes), with upper component 誩 (14 strokes), not 咅 doubled; cf. 競(􀜹𧫘) jìng.
Note: Neither 咅 nor 兄 is a traditional component of the old forms of 竞; rather, the top part 咅 here is short for old 音, earlier 言; cf. (􁝚𠓆) jīng.
#rW.73d K.AD394 D.4.2708.3 B.167.1.01
#rW.73d K.AD394 D.4.2708.3 B.167.1.01

Latest revision as of 01:32, 20 December 2018

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