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<WL>禄(F祿) [lù] good luck; official’s salary in ancient times
<WL>禄(F祿) [lù] 福禄 good luck; (古) official salary@@; (HDZ:) 福 (cf. 福禄); 善; 官吏的俸给; 封邑; (旧) 命中注定的盛衰兴废; 録/錄: 簿籍; 食物; (姓) 甪/觮; (姓)
From 礻(示 shì) ‘altar’ and 录() lù phonetic. According to one theory, originates from a picture of a windlass or winch (辘轳 lùlu) drawing water for irrigation, which would symbolize good luck (protection of the harvest). 示 might have been added to emphasize the meaning ‘good luck’ (see 《汉语大字典》). The character 禄 can be found carved in good luck charms.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 禄/祿(􀀗) lù ‘blessing/happiness (of rank/salary)’ (福禄) combines 礻(示 shì) ‘heavens/rite’ (as in 祖), and 录/彔(􁋔𢑗) lù (phonosemantic); cf. 录.
Compare: 逯(􀓠) lù ‘step carefully’; 睩(􀥦) lù ‘look at carefully’.
Note: The character 禄 can be seen on decorations, and carved on good luck charms.
HDC: 福禄 : 幸福与爵禄; (兽名) 斑马, 形状像骡, 身有条纹
HDC: 爵禄 : 官爵和俸禄; 授予爵位、官职和俸禄
#rK.AD574 D.4.2402.8 B.245.0.08
#rK.AD574 D.4.2402.8 B.245.0.08
#y luhk-
#y luhk-

Latest revision as of 01:31, 20 December 2018

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