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<WL>构(F構) [gòu] 结构 jiégòu structure; 构成 constitute; 构造@@  [jué] [gōu] cf. 構
<WL>构(F構) [gòu] construct, compose; 结构 structure, 构造 construction; 构成 constitute@@  [jué] [gōu] cf. 構
The simple-form character 构 is an old (俗字) abbrev. of the full-form character構, replacing the full-form component 冓 (10 strokes) with 勾 gōu/gòu (phonetic) (4 strokes).
The simple-form character 构 (8 strokes) is an old (俗字) abbrev. of the full-form character 構 (14 strokes), replacing the full-form component 冓 (10 strokes) with 勾 gōu/gòu (phonetic) (4 strokes).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 構(􀿀) gòu ‘thatched/covered roof-beams’ combines 木(􀻢) mu ‘tree/wood’, and 冓(􀪷) gòu (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 冓, cf. 冓.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 構(􀿀) gòu ‘thatched/covered roof-beams’ combines 木(􀻢) mu ‘tree/wood’, and 冓(􀪷) gòu (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 冓, cf. 冓.
Compare: 姤/媾(􂉯) gòu ‘wedding/coitus’ (people interlocking); 遘(􀒵) gòu ‘meet’ (come together); 沟 gōu ‘ditches’, 篝 gōu ‘bamboo frame’; (, gǒu).
Compare: 姤/媾(􂉯) gòu ‘wedding/coitus’ (people interlocking); 遘(􀒵) gòu ‘meet’ (come together); 沟 gōu ‘ditches’, 篝 gōu ‘bamboo frame’.
Compare: 构 gòu, vs. 枸 jǔ/gǒu/gōu.
#rW.104b K.AD418 D.2.1174.1 KX..514.21 B.073.1.07 E.0
#rW.104b K.AD418 D.2.1174.1 KX..514.21 B.073.1.07 E.0

Latest revision as of 01:22, 20 December 2018

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