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The Shuōwén Seal form of 房(􂂫) fáng ‘(side) rooms’ combines 户 hù ‘door’, and 方(􁝏) fāng (phonosemantic): the two side rooms, off the main room; formerly also wr. 方.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 房(􂂫) fáng ‘(side) rooms’ combines 户 hù ‘door’, and 方(􁝏) fāng (phonosemantic): the two side rooms, off the main room; formerly also wr. 方.
Note: SW explains the 方 component with reference to 旁(􀀊㫄) páng ‘side’ (paronomastic).
Note: SW explains the 方 component with reference to 旁(􀀊㫄) páng ‘side’ (paronomastic).
HDZ: 房 : fáng : (古) 正室两旁的房间 (cf. 方); 结构和作用象房子的东西 (心房, 花房) (cf. 方/房); 箭袋; 俎, 祭器; 祠堂; 家族的分支 (大房, 二房); 妻室 (正房, 偏房, 填房); 性行为 (房事, 行房); 政府机构; 从事某种职业的人; (量词) 串, 个; (星宿名) 房宿 (βδπρ Scorpii); 方 (fāng): 土方; 防; (古国名); (地名); (姓) • páng : (秦) (宫殿名) 阿房宫; 房皇=彷徨
HDZ: 房 : fáng : (古) 正室两旁的房间 (cf. 方); 结构和作用象房子的东西 (心房, 花房) (cf. 方/房); 箭袋; 俎, 祭器; 祠堂; 家族的分支 (大房, 二房); 妻室 (正房, 偏房, 填房); 性行为 (房事, 行房); 政府机构; 从事某种职业的人; (量词) 串, 个; (星宿名) 房宿 (βδπρ Scorpii; cf. 氐房心尾); 方 (fāng): 土方; 防; (古国名); (地名); (姓) • páng : (秦) (宫殿名) 阿房宫; 房皇=彷徨
#rG.173.06,183.22 K.AD23,GSR740y D.3.2260.4 M.1806 KX..415.15 B.095.1.04 E.1
#rG.173.06,183.22 K.AD23,GSR740y D.3.2260.4 M.1806 KX..415.15 B.095.1.04 E.1
#y fong/ fohng\
#y fong/ fohng\

Latest revision as of 01:19, 20 December 2018

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