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Compare: ䷂ 屯 (☵☳); the character and hexagram structures are parallel, with 十/㐅(☵) and 凵(☳).
Compare: ䷂ 屯 (☵☳); the character and hexagram structures are parallel, with 十/㐅(☵) and 凵(☳).
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren(AD).
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 庉(􁥅) dùn ‘multi-/upper-story building/platform wall’; 屯 tún ‘garrison’ (屯田); 村 cūn ‘village’, formerly wr. 邨(􁇽).
Compare: 旦, 丠, 巠, 立, 或, 才, 耑, 至, … (also with a horizontal line 一 ‘earth/land’ in the Seal).
Compare: 旦, 丠, 巠, 立, 或, 才, 耑, 至, … (also with a horizontal line 一 ‘earth/land’ in the Seal).
Compare: 𠁧(􀃽) zhōng/zhòng, 屯(􀄀) zhūn/tún.
Compare: 𠁧(􀃽) zhōng/zhòng, 屯(􀄀) zhūn/tún.
HDZ: zhūn : 艰难, 危难; 吝惜; 盈; 充满; 厚; (卦名) ䷂ • tún : 聚集, 蓄积 (cf. 囤); 驻守; 兵营; 屯田: 军队在驻地开荒耕种; 土山; 河港靠船之处; 阻塞; (量词); (姓)
HDZ: zhūn : 艰难, 危难; 吝惜; 盈; 充满; 厚; (卦名) ䷂ • tún : 聚集, 蓄积 (cf. 囤); 驻守; 兵营; 屯田: 军队在驻地开荒耕种; 土山; 河港靠船之处; 阻塞; (量词) ((古) 绵的数量单位; (古) 战车的编制单位); (姓)
HDC: 屯田 : túntián : 利用戍卒或农民、商人垦殖荒地; 屯田者所耕之田; 专司屯田的机构和官员; …
HDC: 屯田 : túntián : 利用戍卒或农民、商人垦殖荒地; 屯田者所耕之田; 专司屯田的机构和官员; …
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08 WHY...42 E.1
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08 WHY...42 E.1

Revision as of 01:16, 20 December 2018

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