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<WL>亶 [dǎn] (古) much grain, full granary; sincere/honest; indeed@@; (HDZ:) …  [dàn] 袒; 但  [chán] (山名) “亶爰”  [zhān] 屯亶/邅/邅
<WL>亶 [dǎn] (古) much grain, full granary; sincere/honest; indeed@@; (HDZ:) …  [dàn] 袒; 但  [chán] (山名) “亶爰”  [zhān] 迍/屯亶/邅
The Shuōwén Seal form of 亶(􀺍) dǎn ‘much grain’ combines 㐭(􀺊) lǐn ‘granary’, and 旦(􁉛) dàn ‘dawn’ (phonosemantic): golden grain overflows from the granary, like dawn/sunlight (which drives the growth of grain).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 亶(􀺍) dǎn ‘much grain’ combines 㐭(􀺊) lǐn ‘granary’, and 旦(􁉛) dàn ‘dawn’ (phonosemantic): golden grain overflows from the granary, like dawn/sunlight (which drives the growth of grain).
Compare 禀/稟 lǐn/bǐng ‘granary’ (廪/廩).
Compare 禀/稟 lǐn/bǐng ‘granary’ (廪/廩).
HDZ: 亶 : dǎn : 仓廪谷物多; 笃厚, 忠厚; 诚信, 诚实; (副词) 诚然, 确实; 大; 𤺺: 疲惫, 病; 殫 (dān): 尽; 𦒜 (xiān): 飞; (姓) • dàn : 但/袒; 但 • chán : (山名) “亶爰” • zhān : 屯亶/邅/邅: 处于困难之境, 难行不进貌
HDZ: 亶 : dǎn : 仓廪谷物多; 笃厚, 忠厚; 诚信, 诚实; (副词) 诚然, 确实; 大; 𤺺: 疲惫, 病; 殫 (dān): 尽; 𦒜 (xiān): 飞; (姓) • dàn : 但/袒; 但 • chán : (山名) “亶爰” • zhān : 迍/屯亶/邅: 处于困难之境, 难行不进貌
HDC: 屯邅/亶 : 不进貌 (䷂→䷻)
HDC: 迍邅 : 难行貌; 迟疑不进; 处境不利, 困顿
#rG.283.43 K.AD966,967,GSR148a D.1.291.6 M.6048 KX..89.20 B.288.0.01 E.1
#rG.283.43 K.AD966,967,GSR148a D.1.291.6 M.6048 KX..89.20 B.288.0.01 E.1
#y taan/
#y taan/

Revision as of 01:08, 20 December 2018

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