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<WL>棚 [péng] 棚子 shed, 窝棚 shack; 帐篷/蓬/棚 tent; 天棚 canopy
<WL>棚 [péng] 棚子 shed, 窝棚 shack; 帐篷/蓬/棚 tent; 天棚 canopy@@; (HDZ:) …
From 木 (mù) ‘wood’ and 朋 péng phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 棚(􁀹) péng ‘light-framed reed/mat-covered pavilion/tower’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 朋(􀨦𢐴) péng (phonosemantic).
Note: 棚 is assoc. with anc. light-weight multi-story structures (high-flying observation/pleasure towers), app. in explanation of the component 朋(􀨦𢐴) péng péng/fèng ‘roc/phoenix’ (􀨥鳳􀨧𪈵鵬鹏); but in SW 棚 and 棧 are syn., and 棧 seems to indicate the light wooden frame, vs. 棚 the woven reed/mat covering (cf. 棚棧); for the old shape of 朋(􀨦𢐴), cf. 冉(􁧖冄), as in 衰(􁛶𧜸).
Compare: 篷 péng ‘(woven) bamboo shelter/shade (from rain/sun)’, app. formerly wr. 棚(􁀹).
HDZ: 棚 : péng : 楼阁, 楼房的一种, 供远眺、游憩、藏书、供佛等用 (DYC: 棧: 板阁 (木板楼阁; 用木板隔成的夹室); 棚: 连阁 (连延的楼阁; 满阁)) (搭棚: 空中楼阁) (棚阁: 楼阁, 重屋複道); 用竹木等搭成的蓬/篷架或简陋的小屋 (工棚, 凉棚, 棚户); 朋党, 帮派; (清) (单位) 军队的编制单位; (量词) (念了几棚经; 养了几棚鸭子) (cf. 棧)
HDC: 棚棧 : 棚架 (用竹木等搭的有篷的架子)
#rD.2.1235.12 M.5055 G.185.02,189.60,201.40 KX..533.02 B.222.0.04
#rD.2.1235.12 M.5055 G.185.02,189.60,201.40 KX..533.02 B.222.0.04
#y paahng\
#y paahng\

Latest revision as of 02:37, 23 October 2018

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