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Note: In the character 屋 the component 尸 is as in 居(􁜙􁜚𧿃) jū ‘reside/dwell’; or in older forms depicts 广(􁤾) yǎn/ān ‘lean-to roof/dwelling’ (open on one side), cf. 幄 ‘tent’.
Note: In the character 屋 the component 尸 is as in 居(􁜙􁜚𧿃) jū ‘reside/dwell’; or in older forms depicts 广(􁤾) yǎn/ān ‘lean-to roof/dwelling’ (open on one side), cf. 幄 ‘tent’.
Compare: 漏(􁾇􁿷屚) lòu ‘leak’, in which 尸(􁜗𡰣) is short for 屋(􁜮) wū ‘roof’.
Compare: 漏(􁾇􁿷屚) lòu ‘leak’, in which 尸(􁜗𡰣) is short for 屋(􁜮) wū ‘roof’.
Compare: 握(􂅎) wò ‘hold/grasp’, in which 屋 wū ‘possess (具备)’ (HDZ).
“Place where 尸 a man being 至 arrived, takes rest.” —Wieger.
“Place where 尸 a man being 至 arrived, takes rest.” —Wieger.
“Where you 至 come and 尸 lie or sit down, cf. 处.” —Karlgren(AD).
“Where you 至 come and 尸 lie or sit down, cf. 处.” —Karlgren(AD).

Revision as of 02:32, 23 October 2018

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