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<WL>嘉 [jiā] good/useful; lucky/happy/wise; benefit/praise@@; (HDZ:) 美, 善 (嘉/佳偶, 嘉禾); 幸福, 吉祥; 赞扬, 表彰; 乐, 欢娱; (古) 五礼之一 (吉, 凶, 賓, 軍, 嘉; 婚礼); (姓)
<WL>嘉 [jiā] good/useful; lucky/happy/wise; benefit/praise@@; (HDZ:) 美, 善 ; (姓)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 嘉(􀵏) jiā ‘praise/honor’ (嘉美) combines 壴 zhù ‘(festive/celebratory) drum’, and 加(􂜛) jiā ‘increase’ (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 嘉(􀵏) jiā ‘praise/honor’ (嘉美) combines 壴 zhù ‘(festive/celebratory) drum’, and 加(􂜛) jiā ‘exaggerate/increase’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 加.
Compare: 贺/賀(􁄜) hè ‘congratulate/celebrate’ (慶賀).
Compare: 贺/賀(􁄜) hè ‘congratulate/celebrate’ (慶賀); 佳(􁕲) jiā ‘good/beautiful’.
Older graphs associated with 嘉 are wr. simply 加, or add 壴 ‘drum’ (in one case with 加 abbrev. 力), or a graph like the bottom of 龠 yuè ‘panpipes’ (HDZ).
Note: 嘉 and 佳 are homophones today, and interchangeable in some compounds: 佳/嘉偶 ‘happy couple’; they are distinguished (historically, and in some modern usages), but not today clearly (GFC).
Compare: jiā (嘉 and 佳 are very close in both sound and meaning, and interchangeable in some compounds: 佳/嘉偶 ‘happy couple’).
Compare: 嘉(􀵏) jiā ← MC /ka/ ← OC /kraj/ (SBGY; Baxter).
Compare: 佳(􁕲) jiā ← MC /ke/ ← OC /kre/ (SBGY; Baxter).
Older graphs associated with 嘉 are wr. simply 加, or add 壴 ‘drum’ (in one case with 加 abbrev. 力), or add a graph like the bottom of 龠 yuè ‘panpipes’ (HDZ).
HDZ: 嘉 : jiā : 美, 善 (嘉/佳偶, 嘉禾); 幸福, 吉祥; 赞扬, 表彰; 乐, 欢娱; (古) 五礼之一 (吉, 凶, 賓, 軍, 嘉; 婚礼); (姓)
HDC: 嘉美 : 称许, 赞美; 好, 美好
HDC: 嘉美 : 称许, 赞美; 好, 美好
#rG.166.32 K.AD342,GSR15g D.1.672.11 M.592 KX..205.07 B.305.1.03 E.1
#rG.166.32 K.AD342,GSR15g D.1.672.11 M.592 KX..205.07 B.305.1.03 E.1

Latest revision as of 02:30, 23 October 2018

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