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<WL>员(F員) [yuán] member; 委员会 committee; 人员 personnel@@  [yún] [yùn] cf. 員
<WL>员(F員) [yuán] member; 委员会 committee; 人员 personnel@@  [yún] [yùn] cf. 員
The Shuōwén Seal form of 员/員(􁄎) yuán ‘round’ (now wr. 圆) combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie-shell (money)’, and 囗(􁃰) wéi ‘encircle’ (phonosemantic); the old form 𪔅(􁄏) with 鼎(􁋋) dǐng ‘cauldron’ (instead of 貝) is said to indicate that the old meaning of the character was ‘round mouth/rim/brim of a cauldron’, and by extension, ‘round’ things in general (later wr. 圆), also ‘quantity/extent (to the brim)’ (cf. 員, 损).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 员/員(􁄎) yuán ‘round’ (later wr. 圆) combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie-shell (money)’, and 囗(􁃰) wéi ‘encircle’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𪔅(􁄏), with 鼎(􁋋) dǐng ‘cauldron’ (instead of 貝), which is said to indicate that the old meaning of the character was ‘round mouth/rim/brim of a cauldron’, and by extension, ‘round’ things in general (later wr. 圆), also ‘quantity/extent (to the brim)’ (cf. 員, 损).
Note: 人员 ‘staff’, 官员 ‘official’, 委员 ‘committee member’: ‘round/around’ ⇒ ‘retinue (of staff/officials standing/waiting around)’ (HDZ).
Note: 人员 ‘staff’, 官员 ‘official’, 委员 ‘committee member’: ‘round/around’ ⇒ ‘retinue (of staff/officials standing/waiting around)’ (HDZ).
“[員] 〇 round 貝 cowry (money)” —Karlgren(AD).
“[員] 〇 round 貝 cowry (money)” —Karlgren(AD).

Latest revision as of 02:29, 23 October 2018

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