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The Shuōwén Seal form of 囊(􁃭𣡦) náng ‘bag/sack’ combines 㯻(􁃫𣠔) gǔn ‘bind/bundle’ (abbrev.), and 𤕦(􀐆) níng ‘order/disorder’ (phonosemantic): a mixed bag-full of miscellaneous things; cf. 𤕦.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 囊(􁃭𣡦) náng ‘bag/sack’ combines 㯻(􁃫𣠔) gǔn ‘bind/bundle’ (abbrev.), and 𤕦(􀐆) níng ‘order/disorder’ (phonosemantic): a mixed bag-full of miscellaneous things; cf. 𤕦.
“From an old picture of a sack, signific, and 襄 (xiāng) phonetic” —Karlgren(1923).
“From an old picture of a sack, signific, and 襄 (xiāng) phonetic” —Karlgren(1923).
Compare: 橐(􁃬) tuó ‘bag/sack’.
Compare: 橐(􁃬) tuó ‘bag/sack’; 櫜(􁃮) gāo ‘bag/sack’.
HDZ: 囊 : náng : 袋子, 口袋; 用囊盛物; 敛藏; 覆盖, 蒙住; 象袋子的东西 (嗉囊, 胆囊); (姓) • nāng : 囊膽: 猪狗腹部的肥而松的肉
HDZ: 囊 : náng : 袋子, 口袋; 用囊盛物; 敛藏; 覆盖, 蒙住; 象袋子的东西 (嗉囊, 胆囊); (姓) • nāng : 囊膽: 猪狗腹部的肥而松的肉
#rG.183.14 K.AD652,788,GSR730l D.1.707.13 M.4627 KX..215.14 B.449.0.03 E.1
#rG.183.14 K.AD652,788,GSR730l D.1.707.13 M.4627 KX..215.14 B.449.0.03 E.1

Revision as of 02:48, 21 September 2018

囊 [To view this entry, please log in]

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