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<WL>侌(=􂀌􂀋𩃬𠆭􂀍􂢧陰S阴)(!􂀊𡆳􂀈雲S云􂀉) [yīn] cf. 陰 (⚋)
<WL>侌(=􂀌􂀋𩃬𠆭􂀍􂢧陰S阴)(!􂀊𡆳􂀈雲S云􂀉) [yīn] cf. 陰 (⚋)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘clouds covering the sun’ combines the old component 云(􂀉) yún ‘cloud’ (abbrev.), and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now’ (phonosemantic): passing clouds, periodically (now and again)blocking the sun; the main SW form 𩃬(􂀋) has 雲(􂀈), which is the main SW form of 云(􂀉); formerly wr. 𠆭(􂀍), the lower part 𡆳(􂀊) is another old var. of 雲; later wr. 陰(􂢧隂), cf. 阴 (⚋).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘clouds covering the sun’ is said to combine 雲(􂀈􂀉云) yún ‘cloud’ (abbrev. phonosemantic), and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now’ (phonosemantic): passing clouds, periodically (now and again)blocking the sun; the main SW form 𩃬(􂀋) does not abbrev. the component 雲(􂀈) to the old form 云(􂀉); formerly wr. 𠆭(􂀍), the lower part 𡆳(􂀊) is yet another old var. of 云/雲; 侌 is later wr. 陰(􂢧隂), cf. 阴 (⚋).
Note: 今(􀸵) here is as in 金(􂜬) jīn ‘metal/gold’; cf. 令(􁢮), 铃/鈴(􂞯) líng ‘bell’.
Note: For the origins of the component 今(􀸵), cf. 饮/飲/㱃(􁟣𨡳) yǐn ‘drink’, formerly wr. 𩚕/𩚜(􁟥), and also 𣲎(􁟤), in which the upper component represents a 人(􁕎) rén ‘person’ stooping down to drink water from a stream/river; cf. 临/臨(􁙼) lín ‘stoop’ (䷒) ← MC /liem/ (SBGY).
Compare: 飲/㱃(􁟣𨡳) yǐn ← MC /ʔjemʔ/ʔjems/; 含(􀍣) hán ‘hold/keep sth. in the mouth (without swallowing/spitting)’ ← MC /ɣəm/ (SBGY).
Compare: 今(􀸵) jīn ← MC /kjem/; 金(􂜬􂜭𠊍) jīn ‘(cold) metal/gold’ ← MC /kjem/ (SBGY); cf. 令(􁢮), 铃/鈴(􂞯) líng ‘bell’.
“[侌] 今 presence of 云 clouds” —Karlgren(AD).
“[侌] 今 presence of 云 clouds” —Karlgren(AD).
Note: 侌(􂀌) and 云(􂀉) were phonologically and semantically similar, but had distinct MC/OC finals.
Note: The main SW form of 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘clouds covering the sun’ is wr. 𩃬(􂀋), in which the component 雲(􂀈) is the main SW form of 云(􂀉􂀊𡆳) yún ‘clouds’;  and 云(􂀉) were phonologically and semantically similar, but had distinct MC/OC finals.
Compare: 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘cloud’ ← MC /ʔjem/; 云(􂀉) yún ‘cloud’ ← MC /ɣjuən/ (SBGY).
Compare: 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘cloud’ ← MC /ʔjem/; 云(􂀉) yún ‘cloud’ ← MC /ɣjuən/ (SBGY).
Compare: 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘cloud’ ← OC /ʔ(r)jum/; 云(􂀉) yún ‘cloud’ ← OC /wjɨn/ (Baxter).
Compare: 侌(􂀌) yīn ‘cloud’ ← OC /ʔ(r)jum/; 云(􂀉) yún ‘cloud’ ← OC /wjɨn/ (Baxter).
Compare: 阴/陰(􂢧) yīn ‘female/dark principle’ (⚋); 荫/蔭(􀈶) yīn/yìn ‘shade (of a tree)’.
Compare: 阴/陰(􂢧) yīn ‘female/dark principle’ (⚋ ⚏ ☷ ䷁); 荫/蔭(􀈶) yīn/yìn ‘shade (of a tree)’.
Compare: 阳/陽(􂢨) yáng ‘male/light principle’ (⚊); 昜(􁧕) yáng ‘open/clear up (of weather); fly/soar up’.
Compare: 阳/陽(􂢨) yáng ‘male/light principle’ (⚊ ⚌ ☰ ䷀); 昜(􁧕) yáng ‘open/clear up (of weather); fly/soar up’.
#rD.1.143.10 KX..101.25
#rD.1.143.10 KX..101.25

Revision as of 02:46, 21 September 2018

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