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<WL>丧(F喪) [sàng] 丧失 lose; forfeit; 沮丧 depressed; 丧偶 be widowed  [sāng] mourning; 丧服 mourning clothes; 丧事 funeral arrangements
<WL>丧(F喪) [sàng] 丧失 lose (sth. vital; to death); lost/ruined; 沮丧 depressed; 丧偶 widowed  [sāng] funeral/mourning (丧礼, 丧事, 丧服); 丧家 bereaved family
Originally from 哭 (kū) ‘cry’, over 亡 (wáng) ‘die’:
The simple-form character 丧 (8 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 喪 (12 strokes), replacing the full-form component 吅 (6 strokes) with 丷 (2 strokes).
“To 哭 cry, weep (the place of the 口 mouths slightly varied) over a 亡 dead person; badly disfigured in the modern form” —Karlgren.
The full-form character 喪 is itself an abbrev. of older complex forms such as 𠷔 (12 strokes), 𠸶 (13 strokes), and 𡂤/𡂧 (18 strokes).
The two 口 mouths become 丷 two dots in the simple form.
Compare: 丧/喪 sāng (n.) ‘funeral’ (丧礼), vs. 丧/喪 sàng (v.) ‘lose/lost’ (丧失); there are more common words with 丧/喪 sàng than 丧/喪 sāng.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 丧/喪(􀐎𠷔) sàng/sāng ‘mourn/funeral’ combines 哭(􀐍) ‘cry/weep/wail’ (like a howling dog), and 亡(􂍷亾) wáng ‘flee/die’ (phonosemantic).
Note: 亡(􂍷亾) wáng ‘die’: in the old forms a 人 rén ‘person’ 入 enters into the 𠃊(􂍴𠃑) yǐn ‘grave’, the body is buried, to protect it from scavenging/howling beasts/wolves/dogs.
Note: In the full form 喪, the old sub-component 犬 (of 哭) is wr. like ⼟ ‘dirt’, and 亡 is wr. like  (as the bottom of 辰, 衣).
“To 哭 cry, weep (the place of the 口 mouths slightly varied) over a 亡 dead person; badly disfigured in the modern form” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 葬(􀋪𦸟) zàng ‘bury (a corpse)’ (埋葬); 莽(􀋩𦷶) mǎng ‘a kind of hunting dog; thick plants/jungle’; 𦬇(􀋧茻𦬠) mǎng ‘thick plants/brush’.
Compare: 丧/喪(􀐎𠷔) sàng/sāng ← MC /sɑŋ/sɑŋs/; 葬(􀋪𦸟) zàng ← MC /tsɑŋs/ (SBGY).
Note: The SW gloss of 霜(􁿽) shuāng ‘frost’ includes a pun on 喪(􀐎𠷔) sàng ‘mourn’; cf. 霜.
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#rK.AD770 D.1.22.1 B.074.0.06 E.0
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#y song\ song-

Revision as of 02:46, 21 September 2018

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