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<WL>脉(F脈) [mài] vein; pulse; take/feel the pulse; 山脉 mountain range  [mò] 脉脉 mòmò lovingly
<WL>脉(F脈) [mài] blood vessel (脉络); 动脉 artery; 静脉 vein; 脉搏 pulse; 按脉 take the pulse; 山脉 mountain range  [mò] 脉脉 mòmò lovingly
The simple-form character 脉 mài ‘vein; pulse’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 永 (yǒng) ‘forever’; but the full form 脈(􁾭) is the traditional form, with 𠂢(􁾫) pài ‘tributary, river branch’ (phonosemantic); the main Shuōwén form 𧖴(􁾬) has 血 xuè/xuě ‘blood’ on the right, and a variant 衇(􁾮) has it on the left.
The simple-form character 脉 (9 strokes) is an old abbrev. of the full-form character 脈 (10 strokes), replacing the full-form component 𠂢 (6 strokes) with the related form 永 (5 strokes).
Note: 𠂢(􁾫) pài ‘tributary’ and 永(􁾩) yǒng ‘distributary’ are not clearly distinct in old forms, but 脈 is attested earlier than 脉; cf. 永.
The simple-form character 脉 mài ‘artery/vein; pulse’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 永 (yǒng) ‘always/forever’ (永远): strong pulse, long life.
Note: The old forms of the components 𠂢 and 永 are opposites (mirror images), not clearly distinct historically (see below); but 永 is a common character and component (with one less stroke), while 𠂢 is today only used as a component, and does not occur in any common words (the character 𠂢 was replaced by the compound character 派).
The full-form character is only one of the traditional forms of this character, with 𠂢 pài (phonetic) instead of 永 (yǒng); formerly also wr. 𧖴 and 衇, with 血 xuè/xuě ‘blood’ instead of 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’; the forms with 月/肉 are something of a euphemism (eugraphism), since 血 has unlucky connotations (cf. 衅).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 脉/脈(􁾭) mài ‘blood vessels’ combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 𠂢(􁾫) pài ‘tributary, river branch’ (phonosemantic); the main SW form is 𧖴(􁾬), with (􀶰) xuè/xuě ‘blood (vessel)’ on the right; formerly also wr. 衇(􁾮), with 血 xuè/xuě ‘blood’ on the left.
Compare: 𠂢(􁾫) pài ‘tributary’, vs. 永(􁾩) yǒng ‘distributary’; these are not clearly distinct in old forms, but 脈 is attested earlier than 脉; cf. 𠂢, 永.
“Veins and arteries, pulse — 永 continuous flow in 肉 the body” —Karlgren(1923).
“Veins and arteries, pulse — 永 continuous flow in 肉 the body” —Karlgren(1923).
Compare: 寸(􀡻) cùn ‘pulse-point; measure/rule’; 血(􀶰) xuè/xuě ‘(vessel of) blood’.
Compare: 衅/釁(􀞀) xìn ‘blood sacrifice/offering; conflict/dispute’.
HDZ: 脉 : mài : 血脉 (动脉, 静脉); 脉搏; 切脉, 诊脉; 象血脉那样连贯而自成系统的事物 (山脉, 矿脉)
HDZ: 脉 : mài : 血脉 (动脉, 静脉); 脉搏; 切脉, 诊脉; 象血脉那样连贯而自成系统的事物 (山脉, 矿脉)
HDC: 血脈 : 人体内血液运行的脉络; (喻) 贯通事物的脉络; 血统; 嫡亲骨肉
HDC: 動脈 : (中医) 经脉搏动应手处; 脉搏滑数有力, 跳突如豆, 但搏动的部位较狭小, 节律不够均匀的脉象; (生理学) (总称) 从心脏运送血液到机体各部的血管
HDC: 静脉 : 把血液送回心脏的血管, 静脉中的血液含有较多的二氧化碳, 血色暗红
HDC: 山脈/脉 : 成行列的群山, 山势起伏, 向一定方向延展, 状似脉络, 故称
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#rG.513.18 K.AD261,688 D.3.2064.3 M.4382 KX..982.06 B.125.0.05 E.0
#y mahk-
#y mahk-

Latest revision as of 00:02, 4 September 2018

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