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<WL>剧(F劇) [jù] drama/play/opera; 剧烈 violent/severe
<WL>剧(F劇) [jù] drama/play/opera; 剧烈 violent/severe
The full form 劇 jù ‘make a special/concerted effort’ (cf. 劇/勮) combines 豦(􁧮) jù ‘wild beasts fighting’ (phonosemantic), and 刂(刀 dāo) ‘knife’; formerly wr. 勮(􂜕), with 力 not 刀.
The simple-form character 剧 is an abbrev. of the full-form character 劇, replacing the full-form component 豦 (13 strokes) with 居 (8 strokes).
Note: 豦 seems co-signific (phonosemantic) in : “Painful, intense; very; sport — 豦 fight and 刀 sword”. –Karlgren.
The full-form character 劇 jù ‘make a special/concerted effort’ (cf. 劇/勮) combines 刂(刀 dāo) ‘knife’, and 豦(􁧮) jù ‘wild beasts fighting’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 勮(􂜕), with 力 not 刀.
In the simple form 剧 the full-form phonetic is wr. simply 居 jū.
“[] Painful, intense; very; sport — 豦 fight and 刀 sword”. –Karlgren(AD).
In the simple form 剧, the full-form component 豦 (phonetic) is wr. simply 居 jū (phonetic).
Compare: 倨, 踞 jù, formerly wr. 居.
Compare: 急剧/遽 jíjù ‘rapidly/quickly; abruptly/suddenly/sharply’; 遽(􀔓) jù ‘courier carriage/horse; hurry/hard-pressed’.
#rK.AD489 D.1.347.2 B.175.0.06
#rK.AD489 D.1.347.2 B.175.0.06
#y kehk-
#y kehk-

Revision as of 23:44, 3 September 2018

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