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<WL>斟 [zhēn] to pour tea/wine/liquor (斟茶, 斟酒)@@; (HDZ:) 用勺子舀取; 用壶倒 (酒/茶); 羹, 汁; 调和; 考虑, 忖度, 择取; 收益增多或病情好转; (古国名); (姓)
<WL>斟 [zhēn] to pour tea/wine/liquor (斟茶, 斟酒)@@; (HDZ:) 用勺子舀取; 用壶倒 (酒/茶); 羹, 汁; 调和; 考虑, 忖度, 择取; 收益增多或病情好转; (古国名); (姓)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 斟(􂠤) zhēn ‘to ladle out (liquor)’ combines 斗 (dǒu) ‘ladle/dipper’, and 甚(􀴞) shèn ‘true pleasure’ (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 斟(􂠤) zhēn ‘to ladle out (liquor)’ combines 斗 (dǒu) ‘ladle/dipper’, and 甚(􀴞) shèn ‘true pleasure’ (phonosemantic).
Compare: 斟(􂠤) zhēn ‘to pour (less than full)’, vs. 酌 zhuó ‘to overfill’ (HDC), cf. 酌, 斟酌.
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#rK.GSR658h D.3.2255.2 M.319 G.217.29 KX..478.19 B.254.0.04 E.1
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Latest revision as of 03:32, 27 July 2018

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