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<WL>凫(F鳧) [fú] wild duck (野鸭); 凫水 swim@@  [fǔ] cf. 鳧/鳬
<WL>凫(F鳧) [fú] wild duck (野鸭); 浮/凫水 swim@@  [fǔ] cf. 鳧/鳬
From 鸟(鳥 niǎo) ‘bird’ over 几 ().
The simple-form character 凫 is an abbrev. of the full-form character 鳧, replacing the full-form component 鳥 (11 strokes) with  (4 strokes), as in the abbrev. full form 鳬.
In the simple form 凫, and in the variant form 鳬, the last stroke (or last four dots) are missing from (鳥).
In the simple form 凫, the last stroke of 鸟 is omitted (replaced with 几), just as the last four dots of 鳥 are omitted from the abbrev. full form 鳬.
Note: The simple form 凫 derives from the intermediary abbrev. form 鳬, which is itself an abbrev. of the full form 鳧: 凫 ← 鳬 ⇐ 鳧.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 鳧(􀡺) fú ‘wild duck’ (舒鳧: 鶩) combines (niǎo) ‘bird’, and 几(􀡸𠘧) shū ‘short wing/feather’ (phonosemantic); later abbrev. to 鳬.
Note: In modern forms 凫/鳧 the lower component looks like 几(􂠁) jī ‘small table/bench’, but is traditionally identified as 几(􀡸𠘧) shū, as in 殳(􀡜) shū, cf. 𠘧.
Compare: 𠘧(􀡸) shū ‘short wing/feather of a (fledgling) bird’; 𠘱(􀡹𢒀𢒁) zhěn ‘fledgling/flapping wing/flight’; 羽(􀦕𦏲) yǔ ‘feathers’.
Note: The main HDZ entry is 鳬, and 鳧 refers to it; the main HDC entry is 鳧, and 鳬 refers to it.
Compare: 鳬 fǔ (HDZ); 鳧 fú (HDC); 凫/鳬 fú (GFC).
Compare: 枭/梟(􁂪䲷) xiāo ‘owl’; 岛/島(􁤂㠀) dǎo ‘island’; 袅/裊; 𫽲/𢶑.
#rD.1.277.5 B.033.0.04
#rD.1.277.5 B.033.0.04
#y fuh\
#y fuh\

Revision as of 03:29, 27 July 2018

凫 [To view this entry, please log in]

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