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<WL>猾 [huá] 狡猾 jiǎohuá treacherous, cunning
<WL>猾 [huá] sly/cunning, crafty/treacherous (狡猾/滑 jiǎohuá); villain/scoundrel; disrupt; stir up@@; (HDZ:) 乱, 扰乱 (cf. 獪 huá); 弄, 拨弄; 狡猾, 奸诈; 奸恶的人; (海兽名)
From 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’ and 骨 gǔ (‘bone’) phonetic.
The character 猾 huá ‘disrupt; stir up; sly/cunning’ combines 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’, and 骨(􀬐) ‘bone’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 滑(􁺔) huá ‘sly/cunning’.
Etymologically the same word as 滑 huá ‘slippery’.
Compare: 滑(􁺔) huá ‘smooth/slippery’; 搰(􂇶) hú ‘excavate, dig up/out’ (bones).
Note: Today the standard spelling is 狡猾, not 狡滑 (GFC).
Compare: 狯/獪(􁫷) kuài ‘cunning/sly/crafty’ (狡狯); 獪/猾 huá ‘disrupt; stir up’ (獪/猾乱).
Compare: 狯/獪(􁫷) kuài ← MC /kuɑis/kuais/; 猾/(􁺔) huá ← MC /ɣuet/ (SBGY).
#rG.488.22 K.AD427,GSR486d D.2.1358.6 M.2228 KX..716.18 B.237.1.04
#rG.488.22 K.AD427,GSR486d D.2.1358.6 M.2228 KX..716.18 B.237.1.04
#y waaht-
#y waaht-

Latest revision as of 02:36, 6 July 2018

猾 [To view this entry, please log in]

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