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The character 桔(􀼬) jié ‘bellflower; well sweep’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 吉(􀎧) jí (phonosemantic) as in 结/結(􂐷) jié ‘tie/bind’.
The character 桔(􀼬) jié ‘bellflower; well sweep’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 吉(􀎧) jí (phonosemantic) as in 结/結(􂐷) jié ‘tie/bind’.
Note: Today 桔 (also wr. 吉) substitutes for 橘 jú ‘tangerine’, since 桔 is so much easier to write (and 吉 is so auspicious; oranges are temple/gift offerings); cf. 橘.
Note: Today 桔 (also wr. 吉) substitutes for 橘 jú ‘tangerine’, since 桔 is so much easier to write (and 吉 is so auspicious; oranges are temple/gift offerings); cf. 橘.
Note: 桔槔 jiégāo ‘well swep/swape/sweep’ (shadoof/shaduf, well pole) is an ancient irrigation device for drawing water from a well or other body of water; in the word 桔槔, 桔 seems to refer to the 结 tying of a moveable 槔 horizontal member, to the fixed/stationary forked vertical member/post/fulcrum; the 槔 horizontal member, with a bucket at one end, and a counterbalancing weight at the other end, was formerly also wr. 橋(􁁲) jiāo, and also called 檕 jì; the bucket might be tied to the sweep directly, or tied to one end of a pole which is then tied to the sweep; there are various old spellings of the word 桔槔, cf. (HDC:) jiégāo.
Note: 桔槔 jiégāo ‘well swep/swape/sweep’ (shadoof/shaduf, well pole) is an ancient irrigation device for drawing water from a well or other body of water; in the word 桔槔, 桔 seems to refer to the 结 tying of a movable 槔 horizontal member, to the fixed/stationary forked vertical member/post/fulcrum; the 槔 horizontal member, with a bucket at one end, and a counterbalancing weight at the other end, was formerly also wr. 橋(􁁲) jiāo, and also called 檕 jì; the bucket might be tied to the sweep directly, or tied to one end of a pole which is then tied to the sweep; there are various old spellings of the word 桔槔, cf. (HDC:) jiégāo.
Compare: 韩/韓(􀻓𩏑) hán ‘well sweep’ (DYC), cf. 㫃; 汲(􁽧) jí ‘draw water’ (汲古阁).
Compare: 韩/韓(􀻓𩏑) hán ‘well sweep’ (DYC), cf. 㫃; 汲(􁽧) jí ‘draw water’ (汲古阁).
HDZ: 桔 : jié : (草名) 桔梗 (cf. 蒡); 直木 (桔槔的桔); (简称) 桔槔 (挈皋/臯=桔槔/皋; cf. 韓), (动词) 吊 • xié : (城门名) 桔柣 • jú : (果树名) 橘
HDZ: 桔 : jié : (草名) 桔梗 (cf. 蒡); 直木 (桔槔的桔); (简称) 桔槔 (挈皋/臯=桔槔/皋; cf. 韓), (动词) 吊 • xié : (城门名) 桔柣 • jú : (果树名) 橘

Revision as of 00:23, 20 June 2018

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