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<WL>客 [kè] guest (客人); 客气 polite; 客观 objectivity/objective@@; (HDZ:) 宾客, 客人;   [qià] 疴, 小儿惊厥
<WL>客 [kè] guest (客人); 客气 polite; 客观 objectivity/objective@@; (HDZ:) 宾客, 客人; …  [qià] 疴: 小儿惊厥
The Shuōwén Seal form of 客(􁏟) kè ‘guest’ combines 宀 (mián) ‘roof/lodging’, and 各(􀏥) gè ‘each/separate’ (phonosemantic); the outsider/guest/visitor comes into one's home from outside one's territory.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 客(􁏟) kè ‘guest’ combines 宀 (mián) ‘roof/lodging’, and 各(􀏥) gè ‘each/separate’ (phonosemantic); the outsider/visitor/lodger/guest comes into one's home from outside one's territory.
Compare: 略(􂛡) lüè ‘set/mark land boundaries’, in which 各(􀏥) gè ‘each/separate’ (phonosemantic).
Compare: 略(􂛡) lüè ‘set/mark land boundaries’, in which 各(􀏥) gè ‘each/separate’ (phonosemantic).
HDZ: 客 : kè : 宾客, 客人; 寄居, 旅居; 门客, 食客 (寄食); 诸侯出使他国的使臣; 客卿, 在本国做官的外国人; 以客礼相待, 礼遇; 外来的盗寇或敌人; 旅人, 游子; 顾客; 商贩, 行商; 佃农, 佃户; 某人; (剑客, 斤客); 鬼怪; 次要的; (客观, 客体) (ant. 主观); 过去的 (时间) (客岁, 客冬); (方言) (量词); (姓) • qià : 疴: 小儿惊厥
#rG.511.36 K.AD411,416,GSR766d' D.2.927.13 M.3324 KX..284.12 B.134.1.09 E.1
#rG.511.36 K.AD411,416,GSR766d' D.2.927.13 M.3324 KX..284.12 B.134.1.09 E.1
#y haak-
#y haak-

Latest revision as of 00:17, 20 June 2018

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