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<WL>侸(=􁗌𠍄㰯𠊪樹) [shù] 樹: 树立  [dōu] “佔侸”, cf. 佔
<WL>侸(=􁗌𠍄㰯𠊪樹) [shù] 樹: 树立 (建立, 建树; 直立, 竖立) [dōu] “佔侸”, cf. 佔
The Shuōwén Seal form of 侸(􁗌) shù ‘stand up straight’ combines 亻(人 rén) person, and 豆(􀵠) dòu (phonosemantic).
Compare: 尌(􀵌) shù ‘stand up straight’, 竖/豎(􀡖) shù ‘vertical’, 树/樹(􀽾) shù ‘tree’.
Compare: 短(􀹤) duǎn ‘short (length)’.
#rD.1.158.2 G.215.15 KX..103.22
#rD.1.158.2 G.215.15 KX..103.22

Revision as of 00:12, 20 June 2018

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