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<WL>讨(F討) [tǎo] (讨论 tǎolùn) discuss; 讨厌 tǎoyàn digusting; 探讨 explore/study; 索讨 demand/require/seek
<WL>讨(F討) [tǎo] (讨论 tǎolùn) discuss; 讨厌 tǎoyàn disgusting; 探讨 explore/study; 索讨 demand/require/seek
The Shuōwén Seal form of 讨(􀜦討) tǎo ‘manage/resolve a conflict/issue’ (by discussion) combines 讠() yán ‘words’, and 寸(􀡻) cùn ‘measure’ (法); or as DYC notes, 寸 here may be short for 肘(􀭒) zhǒu (abbrev. phonetic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 讨(􀜦討) tǎo ‘manage/resolve a conflict/issue’ (by discussion) combines 讠/言 (yán) ‘direct speech’, and 寸(􀡻) cùn ‘measure’ (法).
Note: 寸 here may be short for 肘(􀭒) zhǒu (abbrev. phonetic) (DYC).
Compare: 纣/紂(􂓈), 酎(􂦑), 疛(􁑞), 𧧙(􀙟􀙞誥).
#rD.6.3940.7 B.019.1.09
#rD.6.3940.7 B.019.1.09
#y tou/
#y tou/

Latest revision as of 03:31, 11 May 2018

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