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<WL>贵(F貴) [guì] 宝贵 valuable/precious; 昂贵 expensive
<WL>贵(F貴) [guì] valuable/precious (宝贵), expensive/costly/dear (昂贵); respected/esteemed/noble; important; want/wish
The character 贵/貴(􁅀䝿) guì ‘valuable (thing)’ combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie/money’, and 𠀐(􀊐臾) yú/kuì ‘straw basket’ (phonosemantic): a basket full of cowries, to string into a beautiful necklace.
The character 贵/貴(􁅀䝿) guì ‘valuables’ combines 贝/貝(􁄑) bèi ‘cowrie/money’, and 𠀐(􀊐臾) yú/kuì ‘straw basket’ (phonosemantic): a basket full of cowries, to string into a beautiful necklace; basket of cowries/treasure/valuables.
Note: The component 𠀐(􀊐臾) yú/kuì in 貴(􁅀䝿) guì is said to be an old writing of 蒉/蕢(􀊏𧂟) kuì ‘straw basket’; cf. 蕢 kuài ().
Note: The component 𠀐(􀊐臾) kuì in 貴(􁅀䝿) guì (basket of valuables) is said to be an old wr. of 蒉/蕢(􀊏𧂟) kuì ‘straw basket’ (cf. 篑); cf. 蕢 kuài, 块/塊(􂘹􂘸凷).
Older graphs associated with 𠀐(􀊐臾) and 贵/貴(􁅀䝿) are thought to put 廾(􀝏𠬞) gǒng ‘raised/respectful hands’ over/around 土 tǔ ‘earth’ (the earth spirits, rich/fertile ancestral land/soil being the most valuable thing in an agricultural society); later 贝/貝 ‘cowrie/money’ was added to the bottom.
Compare: 匮/匱(􂎕), 櫃, 篑/簣, 蒉/蕢(􀊏𧂟).
Older graphs associated with 𠀐(􀊐臾) and 贵/貴(􁅀䝿) are thought to put 廾(􀝏𠬞) gǒng ‘raised/respectful hands’ over/around 土 tǔ ‘earth’ (the earth spirits, rich/fertile ancestral land/soil being the most valuable thing in an agricultural society); later 贝/貝 ‘cowrie/money’ was added to the bottom (basket of cowries/treasure/valuables).
Compare: 遗/遺(􀓬) yí ‘lose, leave behind; inherit’; 缋/繢(􂐍𦇣) huì ‘weaving remnants’; 愦/憒(􁴶𢤳) kuì ‘muddleheaded’.
Compare: 遗/遺(􀓬) yí ‘lose, leave behind; inherit’; 缋/繢(􂐍𦇣) huì ‘weaving remnants’; 愦/憒(􁴶𢤳) kuì ‘muddleheaded’.
Compare: 匮/匱(􂎕), 櫃, 簣, 蒉/蕢.
#rW.111b D.6.3633.1 B.115.1.03 E.0
#rW.111b D.6.3633.1 B.115.1.03 E.0
#y gwai-
#y gwai-

Revision as of 22:39, 18 April 2018

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