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<WL>棋 [qí] board game; 象棋 chess; 围棋 Go; 跳棋 Checkers@@  [jī] 树根, 根基, 根柢,
<WL>棋 [qí] board game; 象棋 chess; 围棋 encirclement chess (Go); 跳棋 checkers@@; (HDZ:) 一种文娱用具 (围棋, 军棋); (玉名) 琪 (山海经) [jī] 树根, 根基, 根柢,
From 木 (mù) ‘wood’ and 其 qí phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 棋(􁁓棊) qí ‘encirclement chess board/piece/game’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 其(􀳽𠔝) ‘winnowing basket’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 棊(􁁓).
Note: The board has a grid on it, which resembles the mesh of the winnowing basket, also wr. 箕(􀳹), to 簸(􀳿) bò ‘sift’ the pieces (winner from loser).
Compare: 象棋 ‘chess; Ch. chess’; 国际象棋 ‘Western-style (international) chess’; 围棋 ‘encirclement chess; (Japanese) Go’; 跳棋 ‘Chinese checkers’.
HDC: 簙/博棋 : bóqí : 围棋子
#rK.GSR952u D.2.1224.4 M.527 KX..532.03 B.221.0.05
#rK.GSR952u D.2.1224.4 M.527 KX..532.03 B.221.0.05
#y keih\
#y keih\

Latest revision as of 03:06, 8 April 2018

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