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<WL>隨(S随) [suí] follow; ䷐ Following; 隨便 suíbiàn as you like@@  [tuǒ] 橢  [duò] 墮?
<WL>隨(S随) [suí] follow; comply with; 隨便 as you like; (卦名) ䷐ Following@@; (HDZ:) 跟从, 跟随; 顺着, 顺应; …; (姓) [tuǒ] 橢  [duò] 墮?
HDZ: 隨 : suí : 跟从, 跟随; 顺着, 顺应; 顺便; 听任, 放任; 遂: 听使唤; 追逐, 追求; 随即, 接着; (卦名) ䷐; 骽/腿, 趾 (䷞→䷬); 隋/橢 (tuǒ): 狭长, 长圆形; (古国名); (古邑名); (姓)
#rK.GSR11g D.6.4156.17 M.5523 G.043.34 KX..1361.04 E.1
#rK.GSR11g D.6.4156.17 M.5523 G.043.34 KX..1361.04 E.1
#y cheuih\
#y cheuih\

Revision as of 21:58, 24 March 2018

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